Finally shot my AR


New member
Today the planets finally aligned. My AR-15 is finished (build thread here) Got my hand out of a splint, and it finally stopped snowing!


It was a tad muddy at the range today as you can see but the sun was shining and a great view. The first thing I learned on this trip is that a 20 dollar rifle rest from Walmart was a bad idea. I ended up sighting it in off my range bag. Here is a picture of my 85-90 yard target shooting off my Bag.
I would have gone to 100 but that end of the range was pretty much a lake.

You can blame those 3 stray shots on the caffeine I had this morning haha. Over all I am pumped with how well the rifle shot. I put about 250 rounds of PMC ammo through it without a hiccup. I did run a bore snake with some hoppes9 through the barrel a couple times. I had a hard time keeping the barrel cool to shoot for groups because I was having so much fun just shooting offhand at 23-50 yards. I got a TON of great information from everyone on TFL so this project was partially all your victories so thanks again!


New member
Awesome picture kraigwy! Yup I almost didn't think it was the same range at first but the hills look correct haha. Now there is a line of trees off to the right and of course the benches and cover. It also looks like the "public" or sportsfire range used to go out far past 100 yards but I don't believe its ever open on the public days.


New member
Did they move the sports fire range, it use to be part of Pendeau (sp) which was a 600 yard range, (100,200,300,400,500 and 600) with pits where we conducted HP matches.

Was just talking to someone about shooting in Alaska last night, wife reminded me of the time we had to call a Cease Fire because a calf moose fell in the outhouse in the pit area.

Many of good times on that range.


New member
Yup it is a part of Pendeau (I can't remember the spelling either). I have only gone a handful of times but it looks like they only plow out to 100 yards in the winter. There is a sign at 100 yards that looks like your not supposed to go past it but you can see markers much further out. If you look to the right of the windage turret in the second pic you can see a white sign that has to be at least 3-400 yards out. That half of the range is cleared as far as I can see but the left side has a small berm at 100 yards. An army friend of mine trains at this range sometimes, I should ask him how far out they shoot. Or ask if I can tag along if they don't mind schooling a Chairforce member on how to shoot properly haha. That last sentence was written as a joke but now I think I really should ask to go shoot with them haha.

Thats funny about the moose I hope it ended up alright. One of the times I shot at the sports fire range we had to cease fire for a black bear. Thankfully someone turned around and saw it in the parking lot behind us. Most of my friends and family back home don't believe me when I tell them stories of bear and moose interrupting BBQ's and other outdoor events... only in Alaska I guess.


New member
Check with the Alaska Rifle Club, they have High Power Matches and other types. Good bunch of guys, I shot with them from '76 when they first started until I retired and left the state in 94.

I ran sniper schools, state NG Championships, APD SWAT (they called them CERT) and Sniper schools for the Guard, RA, and LE on that range. That and the machine gun range down by Range Central.


New member
I will definitely check them out. I am scheduled to leave Alaska in December, but I think I am going to try to stick around for a 5th year. I just can't tear myself away from this place just yet.


New member
I just checked out the website. It looks like they have a very full schedule of events this summer I will have to attend one and see what high power matches are all about. It looks very fun and stressful at the same time haha.


New member
Congratulations on getting your new build out to the range and being able to shoot it!

Thanks! the act of putting this rifle together was the easiest part. Months of research and searching for parts was fun but also stressful at times. After all that work and the fact that I had to wait for an injury to heal after I finished made hearing that first shot all the better. Even though it was pretty easy to put together I still had that nagging thought in my mind... what if I did something wrong and it just doesn't work. To add to that stress the first mag I used was a 5 rounder that was a piece of crap and I couldn't even chamber the first round. I switched to a Pmag and everything was golden from then on.