Finally my daily routine has changed...


New member
So, every day, since I completed my CCL class almost 3 months ago, I would go onto the Department of Public Safety website and "track the status" of my application. And every day since mid-January the status would read "processing application". Today, like every other day as a habit, I went on the DPS website, still half asleep with low caffiene and nicotine levels, and read "application completed-license issued or certificate active". I ceased to need nicotine or caffiene to further the morning revival process and can finally go out and start holster shopping. Once I get that card in the mail, I will be making the drive to Wally World as directed to conduct the prescribed "Wally-walk" with an After Action Review. I guess it really is GOOD Friday:D


New member

It's cool that you can actually track the status of your application. AFAIK here in NC there's no way to do that.

A friend actually told me that it takes the sheriff's office only one day to do the checking they do, and they may actually issue a CCW license well before the end of the official 90-day period that they are required to act within, but (at least in the past, under our prior sheriff) they would sit on the license and not mail it out until near the end of the 90-day period. So he told me I should just drop by the sheriff's office at about the 45 day point and check on it, and there's a good chance it will be ready.

If that's true, it's nuts.



New member
A friend actually told me that it takes the sheriff's office only one day to do the checking they do, and they may actually issue a CCW license well before the end of the official 90-day period that they are required to act within, but (at least in the past, under our prior sheriff) they would sit on the license and not mail it out until near the end of the 90-day period. So he told me I should just drop by the sheriff's office at about the 45 day point and check on it, and there's a good chance it will be ready.

Sounds like they need more to do.

Sitting on a license until just before a deadline would require constant checks, and would seem to take more time that it'd be worth in entertainment value.

I think Az has a 60 or 90 day period for getting out CCW permits. Last time mine came due, they sent me the renewal paperwork in the mail 2 months in advance. I filled it out, got the fingerprints, and sent it back. I got my new permit a full month and a half before the old one expired.

My wife got her first permit a few months later, and got the permit a week after mailing in the paperwork.

But I guess Az is pretty much a pro-carry state. Others mileage will vary, I'm sure.



New member
As far as I was told/understood, it was the Federal agency background check that was taking time. I had all my paperwork, digital prints, photos, DD214, notarized papers and once I got class certifications, it was mailed the next day. There was a notice on the Texas DPS website that Federal agencies would be assisting with the Census from April 28th to May 3rd, so background checks will cease during that time period and would resume May 4th so by that I assumed FBI was doing Texas checks. Wasn't sure why it took so long, a lot of people had a 23-30ish day turnaround time and I've have a few background checks done in my time in military, so I can't really say for sure, but it took quite a while for me to get word. None the less/regardless I'm happy it's good to go now and my wife is saying that it's her turn to do the class now that my license is coming in. Just need to find me a good holster this weekend and start checking the mail now instead of the computer.


New member
Texas CHL

I took my Texas CHL class with a buddy and his wife the first part of February. I submitted my forms at the end of February and received my license last week, about a 5 week wait. My buddy and his wife submitted their forms the first week after the class. Buddy's wife received her license after about a 4 week wait, buddy is still waiting on his. Turnaround was a lot quicker than what I was expecting. I had heard there was a 3 - 6 month wait due to the volume of applications that the Texas DPS was receiving.


New member
Mine took about 2 months from submission to online approval. Haven't gotten anything in the mail yet, received notice by verification online on good friday last friday and now we're checking mail for license. We'll keep you posted as to how long that takes but paperwork to verification was 2 and a half months. Just been a busy timeframe I guess, I'm just happy its finally in the mail.