FINALLY! My CZ works


New member
After seven months of c*c*ing around with CZ USA, including one botched attempt at repair and a replacement 75B, I had almost given up...feeding and extraction/ejection problems would pop-up at the worst times: I was in my second local match: Stock Gun Novice yesterday. For a Novice, i was going pretty well, then the jams started. :mad:

I finished behind an 18 year old young lady who had never shot before.

Well, long story short, a very good IPSC shooter had noticed my frustration. He used to shoot EAA Witnesses and is now into STI's. Nice guy. He saw me at the range today and offered his 'Smith services. I told him, "why not? It is about to be a Safe Queen." He removed the extractor(CZ's Mike said "It doesn't need ext. work". Filed the claw and installed stronger spring. Then, he pulled off the safety lever and filed some metal. He pulled a NIB Witness 9mm slide stop out of his tacklebox and asked if I minded a stainless one on a black CZ. (!) Next, he fitted a lighter Wolff recoil spring. All this for free..he would not accept a cash offer.

About 300 rounds of Blazer, Win white Box, some of his handloads in 124 and 115....NO PROBLEMS and it feels as if he did a trigger job!!!:cool:

Now I have the CZ 75B that I wanted. This fellow showed the best in human nature and a good example of the Golden Rule. I give his name, but he asked to remain anonymous. Thanks, Masked Man!


New member
CZ 75

This is the first report I've seen of malfunctions in CZ's and it's clear your complaints are based on real problems.

Mine's 3 years old and takes EVERYTHING from 3.8 gr Winchester Super-Light powder based 124 grain truncated cone cast loads to 6 grain power pistol loads.

It eats EVERYTHING (Like My P 95 that my envious son snatched in a moment of weakness)

Is yours of recent manufacture?

Has their QC changed? I HEARD rumors their attempts to provide a pistol order for the police in Czechoslovakia was plagued with quality issues and they took a pretty bloody nose. JUST rumor


Walt Sherrill

New member
I'm one of the moderators on the CZ Forum.

If this is the FIRST you've heard of problems with CZs, you've been living a sheltered life. <grin>

They're not trouble-prone guns and probably have fewer problems than most guns. But every now and then they've been known to have a problem or two or three...

(Part of problem may be that many of the CZ shooters are generally new to semi-autos. They just don't have the experience to figure out the problems themselves.)


Extraction problems -- generally fixed with the installation of a new, improved (design) extractor, or taking special pains to keep
the existing extractor (and the cavity wherein it resides) clean. Winchester White Box ammo seems to be particularly troublesome for a few CZ -- but this goes away with the improved extractor -- or the mod Hansolo mentions.

Premature slide locks -- fixed by taking a little bit of metal off the slide stop, where bullets nudge it on their upward travel.

Firing pin breaks or firing pin retention pin breaks -- very rare, but it happens. It can be avoided by using snap caps, or getting a modified firing pin that doesn't batter itself against the firing pin retaining pin. (J.R. Farar, a visitor here from time to time, came up with that mod, and offers the modified pins for sale. Visit the CZ Forum for more info.)

Slide stop failures -- even more rare, but it happens. (I think I've heard of three such cases, out of thousands of messages about CZs.) It may be that the stock 14 lb. recoil spring is a hair on the light side; 16 or 17 pound springs work better and protect the slide stop. But the problem is soooo rare, it may be a function of a flawed injection molded/casting.

I've got several CZs, and except for the premature slide lock problem, they've been trouble free. I've had more problems with a single Glock 17.

CZ are great values. They are also one of the most "naturally" pointing (read "ergonomic") pistols available. (Of course, the Sphinx and Tanfoglio and Witness guns point equally well...)

Hansolo had more than his share of problems, but both of the fixes he mentioned had previously been suggested to him by a number of us on the CZ forum. Kinda makes me think some folks enjoy complaining. But, let's hope he has a lots of good range time between problems, now.

Most CZs are trouble free. The new CZ-40B seems to be almost entirely trouble free. But CZs, unlike Glocks, aren't perfect. (But then neither are SIGs, H&Ks, or Glocks.)


New member

"Some folks like complaining..." W.S.

I am not a whiner...I have patiently put-up with a faulty pistol: am I not allowed to attempt to correct problems with a factory pistol? The fellow who worked his magic today has been shooting for over twenty years. He started his semiauto experience with Witness pistols. He knows Witness and CZ. He is, without a doubt, a consumate pro and a generous mentor. He found "faults" with this well-designed pistol. Even Rolls Royces have problems. I never said I didn't LIKE the CZ 75B...I just want it to work as well as I know it can. I am rather amused that, instead of saying, "Glad your CZ is finally fixed", I am called a "complainer".

Like Willie Nelson once said, "If you don't like the way I look, avert your eyes".



New member
Sounds like you met a generous gentleman that was able to do more than CZUSA for your problem. Like Walt said CZs do have problems. I got very lucky and got not one but two problematic CZs. I still think CZ makes a quality product and that most people will never have problems with them. But hey, nothing made by man can ever be perfect. :)


I hate to see a fellow Clash fan a CZer have such bad luck.

Maybe you need a public service announcement "WITH GUITARS!"

Eric Larsen

New member
Wow...gotta love it. Hansolo, Im truely glad you ran into this guy at the range...every range needs one! Im not only a Moderator but a Co Admin at the CZ Forum and I will agree..CZ's are not faultless.

Mike @ CZUSA is very very good ...believe it... I wont make excuses for him "not doing you right"...I guess everybody has to goof up once in a while. As a matter...never mind :rolleyes:

Im the first to jump on the CZ bandwagon...No surprise to most of you. You all know of my favortism for these guns..and I too had long time "mystery problem" with my Compact It gave me fits and its the reason, I know what I do about them. I guess it was good for something during that period. I did everything anyone recommended to this no avail. I finally found the problem and fixed it...thanks Mike Irwin :D Mike at CZ said "Hmmm. Ive never heard of that!" problem, it works and thats what matters.

All in all..I love my CZ's, past and present. They do have there "moments" as any other gun does...and I would have to agree with Walt, they seem to have less than others. When they do its usually something thats at least heard of. Your gun, I honestly will say, needed a good tune all over...very rare.

Enjoy it and I hope it continues to agree with you from now on.

shoot well


Walt,Eric Jeff, etc.:

After all my complaining, I guess I'm still here. Glutton for punishment?

Watch that cape, Eric.


New member
Golden Rule


I would add that shooting at ranges in three different states, I have experienced nothing but gracious shooters in different stalls that would allow me to shoot their pistol and they mine. I'm glad a fellow shooter took the time to help you improve the mechanics of your pistol. AND that he refused to take $ for it is cool. Golden Rule!!



New member
I'm glad that you finally got it working right. I'm doubly glad that you found someone so generous to help you.

As you know I love both of my CZs (at first I couldn't say that about the 40, though not due to any reliablity issues, I just expected it to be more like my 75). I hate to hear of any problems anyone is having with one (not to the point of denial like some seem to though). I hate it even more when it is a buddy.

I know you really do like this gun and the fact that it was giving you fits was getting to be really frustrating for you. Here's to the hope that it will give you no more issues.


New member
My Nephew and his best buddy both had some serious extraction problems today when shooting Winchester 115gn fmj ammo and then changed to UMC and had the same problem but not as severe.

They have CZ75Bs and I cleaned the heck out of My Nephews last week and made sure to clean behind the extractor as well as I could with out taking it off the gun, and also lubed it up with "Breakfree CLP. I am beginning to think that I should have suggested he buy a Browning Highpower instead of the CZ. I have never had any problems with Marklll Highpowers and CZs are just a type of copy of them. IMHO

Eric Larsen

New member
Actually the CZ 75 was designed as an improvement over the original HP. Its lines are similar but thats about it as far as being a "copy". The history of both designs was explained nicely here on TFL a while ago.
Both guns are very nice weapons and have great track records. As far as copies go..both guns are among the most copied in the world, by a miriad of companies.

As far as inherent problems go. If you search on any forum, I believe youll find both guns do indeed have there problems. Not many, but they are both mechanical devices.....

A certain # of 75's had extractor problems and the problem is most apparent with WWB ammo. If this problem is suspect in your nephews and his friends guns, just call Mike at CZ USA 800-955-4486. He is very good and will do what is needed to make the guns right.
Including sending you the parts if that fits your time line as opposed to fixing it himself. Look into it and let us know what happens. Its a shame that the extractor problems exist..but it does happen at times. CZUSA is very good to deal with and really cares about CZ's and their owners.

Shoot well


New member
Just curious, what did he do that could account for the "trigger job' feeling?
You mentioned extractor, recoil spring, slide stop, safety. Did I miss
something? I'm a smith in name only.
