Finally here! Pistol Permit my cat and my guns!


New member
I figured I'd share my guns and my cat with everyone :rolleyes:

He's an evil animal and really likes guns...

Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum

Sterling Arms .380 Model 400


New member
Chris forgive me but CHP? I'm unsure what that acronymn means...

and "Vote" you need a pistol permit in order to hold and buy a pistol in NYS...


New member
He's a spook and not a CIA agent... but he's a rescue cat and lucky he is even alive. There are other pictures where he looks posessed.

chris in va

New member
Oh, when you said permit I though that was a Concealed Handgun Permit (as it's called here in VA). I just heard they are notoriously hard to get in NYS.

Nice cat, I've got two.


New member
It is a Concealed Carry Permit... I do not live in the city... New York ONLY has concealed carry and it is illegal to open carry without being charged with brandishing a firearm. (At least in my county...).

Instead they place restrictions on our licenses which is a joke because we HAVE to carry concealed at all times so who would know about our restrictions? No one because they wouldn't see my weapon. Except that .44... that's hard to conceal :D

The restrictions are like: Hunting, Target shooting, fishing, hiking, camping, Only when handling sums of money greater than $x.xx, etc. etc.

And we DO have to take a course which is required, it is sort of a joke but I've been shooting for a while so it wasn't new to me, but just another thing to do.

As a break down it costs about $99 for the NCIS/FBI background check, $35 for the pistol course, $10 for the Sheriff's office to take the pictures, $3 to add a pistol to your permit... so it adds up around here... but it was well worth it! :)

Our state is like the Army: "Don't ask... Don't tell"

Number 6

Outrageous costs; great looking cat

We have two all-black cats (longhairs) and pretty much ALL of our felines are rescue/special needs.

"As a break down it costs about $99 for the NCIS/FBI background check, $35 for the pistol course, $10 for the Sheriff's office to take the pictures, $3 to add a pistol to your permit"

And I thought $100 for a 4-year license was a rip-off! We don't pay for NICS checks and all the other checks are included in the license fee. Photos range from free to $10 and you only need a safety course for your first permit; not renewals. We don't add pistols to a permit, so no additional gouging there.

But hey - if it saves JUST ONE LIFE, isn't it worth it! :rolleyes:


New member
Thanks for the information, he turned out to be a very good cat despite the crappy conditions he was in (the rest of his family was dead around him).

My license does not expire it is until I die or if revoked (which won't happen). But Pataki (our governor) is a genious and wants to have expiring licenses so we would have to pay like 50+$ every three years or some crap like that. But I doubt it will work out.

Number 6

A PISTOL PERMIT that's valid for life!

I'm very jealoous. We USED to have rifle/shotgun licenses that were "valid for life" and only cost $ 2 to boot. Now they are $ 100 for 6 years; same as the handgun license.

"...he turned out to be a very good cat despite the crappy conditions he was in (the rest of his family was dead around him)."

Sounds VERY nasty. A "collector" or straight-out abuse?


New member
I can't believe you guys have to have a permit for long guns... I think I would cry.

He was in an abandoned home... some people just don't care about animals so they were out and gone and left their animals... I think they were the type of people who had like 100 cats or some stupid crap and thought they could take care of them all.

We've got 2 dogs - one chocolate lab a springer spaniel, two cockatiels, a parakeet, 2 cats (gizmo and simba). It's funny because he's a darker vanilla color and they fight so it's like a ying-yang symbol rolling around on the floor.

And about 300 birds outside and I 5 gray squirrels....

It's like a damn zoo! :p But we take care of them.


New member
I know a few judges and a senator and have a shoulder rig for him... he's my most deadly weapon! :p

And don't worry I'm all for killing ferral cats... Sometimes up for "off-ing" my animals but it's all good... Our one dog scares me sometimes cause he will stare right at you and people say that that isn't good. Our lab is such a big baby and I mean BIG he's tipping probably 130+ lbs. He likes to charge at people and knock them over but it's hillarious.

and I remember one time one of our dogs bit me when I was a baby and my dad took it out back and put a bullet in its head, and I would not hesitate to do the same.

See if that starts a war :eek: