Finally got my SUB 2000

Coach Z

New member
Finally picked up my Keltec sub 2k a few days ago. I haven't even had a chance to take it to the range yet but I'm pretty excited to have finally gotten one.

Has anybody had some range time with these and put a grip sleeve on it? I'm not a big fan of the seam in the grip.

A couple pics:



New member
No optics I guess,,,

I'm not ragging your carbine,,,
I think it is slick as all get-out,,,
But can you mount an optic on it?

It looks like the folding stock would not allow one.



Coach Z

New member
Actually you can!

Just recently they came out with an optic mount that replaces the current forend, the platform rotates to the side like an eotech magnifier so so you ca still fold. I group this in the sort of novelty and depending on the reliability it may make it to the armory on the boat.

Willie Sutton

Congrats! You'll love it. Looks good in Khaki as well.

Optics? uhh.... :eek:

I'm looking for a second one in 9mm with Beretta 92 mag well. Anyone?



Coach Z

New member
Here is a youtube of someone doing a field strip and installing the scope mount as well.

Willie from the little research I've done since getting it says that you can "convert" it to use different mags by swapping out the mag catch assembly. If I find more about it I'll ask. I'll also ask at the lgs where i got this one, they seem to have an in at keltec and had a few on the wall

Willie Sutton

Did a little research on magazine type changes, and the skinny is that Beretta and Sig versions can be converted one to the other by changing out the mag release, but that Glock compatable ones are that way forever. The entire frame is different due to the difference in the grip to frame angle difference in the host pistol type.

So..... :eek:

(figures that I want another one in the rarest version, which is "anything other than a Glock magazine"



Dave R

New member
I've shot mine (.40S&W) at 100 yards for groups, using handloads to get best accuracy. The factory sights are almost certainly the limiting factor. Never tried it with an optic.

But I HAVE shot 4" groups at 100 yards several times with it. Posted target pix on Have to have an ideal target to "dot the i" to get groups that good. Normal is more like 8" at 100 yards.

Would love to hear from someone who has used optics at 100 yards.


New member
I put a Hogue Handall Jr grip on both of mine and solves the problem nicely. There is so much you can do to these or just leave em stock. Check out KTOG, full of good info on Keltec's



New member
Perfect fit for the sub2k used by myself and others on the kel-tec forum:

Pachmayr Tactical Grip Glove for S&W Sigma

fits well with no cutting or trimming or re-adjusting required, and holds the seam closed.


New member
I have a Beretta 92 it. Shoots like a dream, reliable, quiet for the most part. did I mention reliable?

I put the hogue grip and buffer tube cover on mine. I also picked up the kel-tec quad rail.

Coach Z

New member
ritepath - Do you recall which hogue you put on?

I like the grip sleeve idea because I've got pretty big paws


New member

No sorry 3 years ago, and there's no marks and I don't have the packaging anymore.

As for the best way to get a 9mm, do it the way I did. Go to every shop once a week and one of these days you'll just get lucky. LOL :p

Dave R

New member
What's the best way to get a Sub 2000? (9mm glock)

Looks like they are sold out in most places
Just keep looking. Kel Tec makes them in batches, which tend to get sold pretty quickly. Took me 8 months between "want one" and "found one."

The option is to order it through your dealer and wait for Kel Tec to build it.

Or maybe buy on GunBroker...