Finally got my HK Tactical!! (long post)


New member
Decided it was the gun for me the first time I held it in the store. I knew I wanted another .45; have an old Colt 1911. The choices were narrowed down to P220, Glock 21 and the HK. The Sig did not feel good in my hand, and I don't like the new finger molding on the Glock. So the HK was it.

Thought I would get the USP Stainless, but then saw the Tactical. It was $200 more, but is a better gun and comes with the bag o' stuff. Decided it was worth the extra $$. Ironically, I found one in a gun shop three blocks from my house!! Had my eye on it for the past month, afraid someone else would buy it. My wife finally lost her mind Thursday and told me I could get it. (Guess those subliminal-message tapes I play at night worked <tee-hee> ) Needless to say, I went to the store in a high-velocity manner. :)

The first night I "Ooohed and Ahhed" over the gun and the goodies in the case. Couldn't do more, b/c I had to take her out to dinner, of course. The next night I field-stripped it and marveled at its elegant simplicity. The engineering is phenomenal.

Sunday I went to the range and shot a box through it. It was shooting low and to the right with the factory settings. I adjusted the sights, and got it perfect just as I ran out of ammo. The range did not have any factory ammo, only reloads. A little hesitant to shoot reloads through my new baby, I called it a night.

Today I went back to the range after work. Brought three boxes of ammo this time. I had 2 boxes of PMC FMJ cheepo and 1 box of Winclean BEB. Took my time sighting, and did very well at close range. As I moved the target further away, the gun really came into its own. It is definately more accurate than I am, as I was hitting small bullseyes at 40', which I've never done before. <big grin> I alternated between the PMC and Winclean. I did not noticed any difference in accuracy between them. Did have one Failure-to-feed on a Winclean round. No other malfs.

The single-action trigger is very nice, the double-action OTOH leaves a lot to be desired ( but I knew that already). It is not smooth and requires a lot of effort, compared to other DA pulls I've tested. I think for carrying I would definately take the cocked-and-locked option over the DA option.

I love the magazine release at the trigger-guard. I will convert the control lever to Variant 2 soon, as I am a lefty. The slide relase is fine the way it is. I can easily get it with my left index-finger when holding the gun to shoot. This gun is a very lefty-friendly piece (one of the major reasons I opted for the HK). It's a little big for CCW, but I did it on the way home tonight just for fun. I will use it mainly for target shooting anyway.

My biggest gripe is with the magazines. The upper edges are very sharp. I actually cut my thumb loading the mags tonight. <whine> I guess a mag-loader would take care of that...

Cleaning the gun is a piece of cake. It field-strips almost as easily as a Glock.

I can't wait to try one of the flash-suppressors from CCFA, but it will have to wait until more money is available. ;)

Summary-- I LOVE THIS GUN! I could not be happier with it. Run out and get one, if you can find one.


New member

Sounds cool. I'm debating the Tactical in .40S&W. I read a review on it, and with the availability of 16rd mags, I think that this is one that I would like to play with. But, I'll have to wait till the 92D Centurion is paid off. Also, when I had my USP45, the mags were sharp too. I took some scotch-brite to them, and it smoothed them nicely. Had a friend of mine thats a smith drop them in the blue tank, and they were good as new.

Be Safe