Finally creamed my chrony ;-)


New member
I was out testing some rather hot 158gr LSWC loads (19gr Lil Gun), and the chrony just wasn't picking them up. I switched to my usual IDPA load (158gr RN 4.5gr bullseye) and the chrony had no problems with those.

So I figured I must be shooting too high, off I go.. lowering my POA, still doesn't pick up. 5th rd, blango!! right through the chrony! Amazing how much damage a LSWC can do.

Luckily, it missed both sensors..but did kill the control unit (yeah, I know..get the one with the remote unit).

Just thought I'd note this, finally joined the club ;-)

EDIT: Hmm, just thought of something, I never did put a battery in it (that got shot up good and gone), as I only destroyed the lower left of the module, wonder if I missed the electronics.. I'll have to check that.
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Steve Smith

New member
Not to rub it in, but yes, get the one with the remote (Master line). Instead of blowing away $70 or so with that shot, you'd have only cost yourself $35.

For those shopping for a Chrony, ONLY GET THE MASTER LINE!!! When you shoot it it won't hurt as much.


New member
That's the plan, and now I have two good replacement sensors.. Of course, it may still work.. I'll have to check that out ;-)


New member
For shot, saboted bullets, down range work etc...
Build a screen of steel or rubber backstop material with a hole in it. Put the target over the hole. Saves screens and chronys.

For testing shotgun and sabot stuff close in, a piece of plywood with hole will do.



Member In Memoriam
Guess I am one of the lucky ones. Never blasted mine.................yet.

I made a steel "stopper" for mine a piece of 3/4 steel plate with a piece of plywood in front of it to stop the "splatters" for when I shoot it.

Never needed it .............yet.


New member
as Poodleshooter said, welcome to the club ;) :D

I have... uh... terminated 2 skyscreens on my Oehler 35.

So far :)


New member
Yeah, and it's entirely shot.. right through the circuit board...oops ;-). Talk about pulling a shot...

Oh well, next one will be a master, and now I've got two spare sensors...and extra rods and diffusers ;-)


New member

Made mine wiggle last night.

Yes, it was dark; running flash tests, but had the chrono out, so............

(45 Colt -- don't ask)


New member
Yes indeed, the text for a sweet bargain on a gun over the 'net doesn't apply to a chrony: "only shot once".


New member
It is interesting to see how much damage a LSWC can do moving at 1400fps or so (based on other reports, I never got a decent read outt it).. The bullet shattered, but not before making some nice holes in the metal case!

Steve Smith

New member
I was VERY surprised to see what a 77 grain SMK would do to a chrony...I jsut happened to hit as much metal as is possible...and it tore some stuff up!

Mal H

But that's the name of the game isn't it -- "Shooting Chrony"?

I can see the engineers in the design phase:

Eng A: Ok, looks like a good electronics design. Now, we'll have some cables leading to the control box away from the sensors ...

Eng B [interrupts]: Hold it! I've got an idea that will save money and increase future revenues at the same time! Let's eliminate the cables and place the control box right below ....

Steve Smith

New member
This engineer is shaking his head.

BTW, I had a friend who built a contraption to hold his chrony and protect it from bullets. He used angled 3/8" plate on the front. Good idea, but he forgot about the energy continuing to transfer through the contraption (it wasn't mounted in concrete!) Bullet hit the plate, Chrony didn't move (things at rest tend to stay at rest) plate contraption hit the Chrony and killed it instantly. Nary a scratch. Blunt force trauma.


New member
I was VERY surprised to see what a 77 grain SMK would do to a chrony
I was quite surprised by the damage that a .223 53gr Barnes X bullet could do. Penetration was complete-from stem to stern!
Not bad for a lightweight expanding bullet. Scope+carry handle= =bad for chrony.