Finally bought my first revolver...


New member
I broke down today and bought my first revolver......

Well, I should clarify and say that I bought A first revolver for my wife to use, so we can spend more quality time together....

I bought her a S&W 317 Airlite .22 with 2" barrel...'

Anyone else on here have any stories, good or bad, about this particular model?

I was a bit apprehensive of the purchase price (around $400.00 New ) as I thought it was a bit pricey for a plinking pistol, but my wife found it quite comfortable. So i guess if she's happy , then I'm happy....:)
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paper killer

New member
It is tough to get good accuracy with a 2 inch barrel, so hopefully she will be doing some close range plinking. I would suggest about 5 yards and relatively large target to start. Should be fun plinker though.


New member
With practice, it should become fairly easy to hit out to 15 yards with a 2" barrel (I can put 5/5 shots into an IPSC "A" zone with my SP 101 2.25" barrel at 15 yards). Past that becomes tough though. Still, 2" snubbies are usually accurate, the only draw back is the shorter sight radius that makes practical accuracy tougher. It just takes practice.

Thats a nice gun, BTW.


New member
Put this on my wishlist.....

The thing's so doggone light, it feels like a kid's toy. I wish Smith would make the 317 in .22WMR as well. I'd buy one in a heartbeat. Even with it's lightweight, your wife should be able to master the .22LR with it's light recoil. I like'em.


New member
She most definately will be using it for a close range plinking pistol. She is just getting in to shooting and she really seemed to like the way it felt... I figured that between the comfortable feel of the gun, along with the negligable recoil that she will WANT to shoot as often as I do...

My only fear is that she has gotten it into her head that should she decide to get a CCL, she will only want to carry a .22..

I understand that any caliber gun is better than no gun at all, but hopefully I can get her worked up to a larger caliber for concelaed carry. I suppose if that happens to be the case, then I guess I will have to go out and buy another gun.

DARN!!!!.............:D :D :D ;)


New member
Mine's the 4" model with target sights. I started my wife off with a S&W 4013 in .40S&W to get her used to shooting a defensive caliber. She did fine with the .40, but found the 3913 (9mm) more to her liking. However, for plinking, she'd much rather shoot the 317. Interestingly, I've found the 4" version just as accurate--if not more so--than my Browning Buckmark.

Have fun with the new piece.