Finally, an answer from the anti-self defense NEA

Jeff Thomas

New member
Some time back, we had a thread on TFL about the NEA's (National Education Association ... the teachers' union) anti-self defense activities. This included, as I recall, an attempt to survey students.

I sent Bob Chase an email at the time, simply asking for confirmation of those reports. His / their response is below. Draw your own conclusions.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>----- Original Message -----
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000
Subject: From Bob Chase

> Executive Office
> Dear Mr. XX:
> Thank you for sharing your views on NEA's position on gun safety legislation.
> The NEA Resolutions and NEA Legislative Program - both of which are reviewed
> annually and adopted by the more than 9,000 delegates to the NEA
> Representative Assembly - call for actions and policies to help ensure a safe,
> orderly school environment for all students and education employees. To this
> end, both the Legislative Program and the Resolutions include explicit support
> for sensible gun control measures. In addition, delegates to the 2000
> Representative Assembly went a step further in their call for common sense gun
> laws -- adopting New Business Item B which requires that NEA "prepare and
> distribute to each of its affiliates, a petition calling for a meaningful gun
> control." The vast majority of the delegates -- who are sent to the
> Representative Assembly by the 2.5 million members to speak for them --
> couldn't be more clear in their position on this issue.
> Among the speakers at the RA was Nebraska teacher Andy Pope, who was shot
> several years ago by a 13 year-old student. "I'm from Nebraska," he said,
> "where guns and hunting are a way of life. None of the common-sense measures
> we are calling for will prevent any law-abiding gun owner from hunting. They
> will, however, save our children's lives." NEA delegates agreed.
> NEA is committed to ensuring safe schools for our employees and students, and
> we will continue to work toward this goal. Again, we thank you for your
> comments on this critical issue.
> Sincerely,
> Bob Chase
> President
> [/quote]

Another reason to reject the public / government school system, and work for school choice, IMHO

Live and let live. Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited August 10, 2000).]


New member
This seems to be a common theme... they tell us that their gun control laws will help to save lives.... The one thing they keep leaving out is to answer the question..... HOW? How will it save lives.... maybe I'm a dummy, but I can't for the life of me see how any of their proposals will save lives.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Keep it coming. I'm just storing this up for the imminent day the NEA notices I haven't joined and sends someone down to "talk to me."

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Keep it coming. I'm just storing this up for the imminent day the NEA notices I haven't joined and sends someone down to "talk to me."


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Keep quicklime handy, those NEA ***holes get ripe right fast. Having seen a few up close, I have less liking for them than I do for many other varieties of Commies.