field strip after only 50 rounds?


New member
Yesterday I went shooting and only shot off 50 rounds and just within the past week I have field stripped the gun and thoroughly cleaned and oiled it so I didn't think it was necessary to field strip it after yesterday so I just cleaned the barrel up good with the brush then some cleaner on like a whool type cleaning piece that came in my kit. Should this be sufficent? Thanks..


New member
A quick clean is fine as long as you don't plan on putting it in storage or something like that. I typically clean my guns regardless of how many rounds have been shot, although on a few occasions I have been known to be lazy. Typically those times are when I have shot less than 100 rounds through one and I know I'll be back to the range soon.


New member
I'm guessing this all took place from the muzzle end if you did it without a field strip. Generally it is recommended that you clean from the chamber end of the barrel. You might want to look into a boresnake for a quick clean. It can be dropped in the chamber end with the pistol still assembled then pulled through and repeat.


New member
Yes it was done from the muzzle end. I have no problem field stripping it and its very quick and easy but I was just wondering since it was just cleaned and oiled really well if just cleaning the barrel quick after only 50 rounds would be alright. So you're saying field strip and fully clean after any amount of shooting? I try to stick to this but I just havent had time so I figured a quick cleaning of the barrel was better than nothing. How often do you guys oil your guns? My owners manual says just a drop of oil on the metal rails but it doesn't seem to me that would last very long. Last time I put a few drops down the rails then racked it several times after putting it back together, unloaded obviously.


New member
Repeatedly disassembling a firearm can actually cause more wear than leaving it uncleaned. I usually let my guns go a few hundred rounds before I clean them, unless I plan to put them away for more than a month or two. I also clean my defense guns after firing them or after I've been carrying them for awhile. But cleaning a regular shooter after every single range visit is a waste of time, and like I said actually does more harm than good.

Will Beararms

New member
I clean all my firearms after every use if time allows, this way if time does not allow after a range session or hunting trip, it is no big deal, I will just wipe it down with a CLP moistened rag and I am good until I do find time.

Very simple for me----field strip----bore snake with CLP, light wipe down with CLP---boom---I'm done.


2000 rounds= clean my gun
100 rounds = clean my gun
1 round = yep I'm still cleaning my gun

I can't get to sleep if one of my guns is dirty, or even might be dirty.

Repeatedly disassembling a firearm can actually cause more wear than leaving it uncleaned [sic] cleaning a regular shooter after every single range visit is a waste of time, and like I said actually does more harm than good.

I disagree.

The only thing that I can see this happening with is pins that need to be punched out, and probably even then - only when the pins sit in a polymer frame. And anyway, we're talking about a field strip not a detail strip.



New member
I think the better question may be how often do you shoot? Some only go out a couple of times a year while others may go several times a week. Also the number of pistols/rifles/shotgun they take on each visit.

FWIW if you shoot often the round count is more important, if you shoot less the time between cleanings is more important. I go weekly with between 6 to 12 firearms each trip so I do a lot of cleaning. But I'm also not going to stop at 50 rounds unless I have a weapons failure. I even take a cleaning kit along in case I need it.


New member
It depends as many have said.

I usually take a P226 or my Walther PPQ with me to the range at least once a month. I may not clean them at all for 2 or 3 range sessions other than a light coat of CLP on the exterior metal. However I ALWAYS make sure the frame rails on my P226 are well lubed just before going to the range.

If it is a pistol I don't shoot regularly and I may not shoot it again for 3 or so months then I field strip it, clean, lube, and apply protectant on it.


New member
gee, i wonder how many police or military people involved in a firefight call time out after every 50 rounds so they can clean their gun? there is nothing wrong with a clean gun but there is something wrong with a gun you can't trust after 50 rounds.

a better question might be is what is the most rounds you have fired without cleaning your gun or started to have problems?


I'll tell you something about the military.

The only thing that takes precedence over cleaning your weapons is creating a fighting position.

You don't eat and you don't sleep until your weapon is cleaned and function checked.


New member
Carbon buildup can be tougher to clean out in my experience if you let it build up rather than cleaning it out within a few days of shooting. So yeah, I clean after every range trip unless I'm going to be at the range again the next day.


New member
Don't understand what's so hard, of time consuming about field stripping a bodyguard. As the OP signature says that is his only gun, so the one in question.
Mine are cleaned thoroughly after a trip to the range, not by a certain number of rounds. A range session for some might mean several hundred rounds. For my CCW guns that one or another get a couple mags run through at every range session, it might just be a dozen of so.
Nothing wrong with keeping equipment properly cleaned, and lubricated!


New member
Should it be sufficient? Yup. But, if it's the gun you trust your life to I'd clean it. I clean my guns every time they're fired, regardless of the round count but yours will probably be fine. I'd still clean it though :D


New member
Repeatedly disassembling a firearm can actually cause more wear than leaving it uncleaned.

We have a winner! I agree 110%. I have gone 500+ rounds in a 9mm or .45acp, over the course of a month, without any type of concern for cleaning of any kind, maybe wiping off the big chunks, but that is all. 1000+ rounds out of a .22. Proper lubrication is a must, but over cleaning causes undue wear from repeated disassembly.

Especially if you own an accurized pistol with very tight tolerances, these tight tolerances can loosen up more from over cleaning then from shooting it dirty. I was told this by more then one pistol smith that are members of the American Pistol Smith’s Guild. I would think these guys know what they are talking about.

I wouldn’t do this with a carry / self defense pistol, or a pistol that gets put away for long periods of time, but a range pistol that gets shot weekly doesn’t need to be “squeaky clean”.


New member
I clean my gun after almost every shooting unless I plan on being back at the range within the 48 hours or so.. Its important to keep your weapon well oiled and clean IMO.

Example 1.

I go to the range or out to woods and shoot off 50rds. I have no plans on shooting this weapon again in the very near future. So I clean and stow the weapon.

Example 2.

It's Wed night and I just shot of 50 to 75 rds at the range and plan to go shooting at the River with some buddies on Saturday.. Probably won't clean the pistol but will make sure its still well lubricated and the action is smooth.