Few WW2 german sniper rifle questions.


New member
Ok, I've been seeing these rifles in 2 places, and I'm interested.

The first, is in the playstation 2 game, Medal of Honor: Frontline. It says the rifle is a "gewehr<sp> 44". It is semi-automatic, with the cocking lever(bolt?) on the left hand side, and it does have a scope. The reticle is three lines, two bisecting the view, and one coming up the middle to meet it (if you can follow that). I didn't think any Gewehr rifles were semi-auto? Is the game just fudging? (its really accurate on the springfield 03, also in the game)

The second, is the rifle used by the German in Enemy at the Gates. Does anyone have a model, or a know a place where one can aquire one of these? Thank you very much!



New member
IIRC, the first rifle you are talking about was the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG 44). It was indeed a semiauto--in fact, it was the basic inspiration that Mikhail Kalishnikov followed for the Avtomat Kalishnikov rifle.

The rifle from the movie is nothing more than an M98 Mauser bolt action, with what appeared to be Schmit und Bender optics.

The kicker is this: A simple glass bedding, and the M98 Mauser WILL outshoot most modern sniper rifles.


New member
The Sturmgewehr 44 or StG44 was a select fire rifle. The Germans did mount scopes, inluding an IR scope, on the StG44.

The semi-automatic sniper rifle was the Selbstladegewer 43 (Gewehr 43 and Karabiner 43). It was designed as a semi-auto infantry rifle and as a sniper rifle.

The top German snipers still prefered the 98k.

It is fairly easy to get 98k's from most of the C&R dealers.


New member
Yeah, now that I remember, it was Gewehr 43. Thanks for the replies. One other question, what is glass bedding?



New member
Glass Bedding is putting either fiberglass or epoxy between the rifle and the stock. It aids in providing a tight fit between the two and prevents the stock's expansion/contraction from effecting the rifles zero.


New member
Hell yeah I am. I just beat it last night (on easy, I admit). I'm trying to go back and get Gold stars on every level. Some of those missions, I was just happy to get through 'em!
