fetal, supine, or sitting


firing positions are of more value than prone for pistoleros. Prone is no more accurate than standing, unless hands are braced upon the deck. Tall grass, etc often preclude seeing your target from such a firing position and on pavement, short richochets kick frags right into your face. Prone with hands on ground doesnt work for more than a few degrees of upward angle, so unless the guy is far away or is prone himself, you wind up having to raise up on your elbows in order to aim at his chest. Supine, or fetal, wrists between your knees= a very solid firiing platform, and your lower legs can stop frags, birdshot, etc, and protect your face,letting you concentrate more on accuracy. Usiing fetal does throw off your POI, have to compensate for same at beyond 50 ft (chests) assuming that you can group well enough for the diff to be noticable (while under fire!) that is. If grass,etch blocks the use of fetal, merely roll up on your hips into sitting braced. up close, going prone doesnt make you any smaller of a target, and the belly down position precludes your firing as you get there. It often puts your head where he can kick it, too. Falling backwards can get your head and gunarm out of knife-club reach, and you CAN fire as you fall back. Beware however, of letting your feet "rock up" (butt rolling on deck) into your line of fire! Best to fall to one side, and do a breakfall "slap" with non gun hand. Many concealed belt rigs require the left hand to clear the garment, and this precludes your using weak hand to break your forward fall. Dropping to your knees on pavement may well hurt you more than the attacker would have! :)


New member
All this maybe of academic interest to shooting steel at 200 meters, but what does it have to do with the real world. Pistols are meant for close-up and personal. I can plink at 50 yards with my snubbie at clay pigeons and have a good hit rate,but thats for fun, what does it mean in the real world where most people are shot at under 7 yards.