feel safer?

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New member
> 180,000 new fed employees to staff Homeland Security Dept.

> our borders remain open from the north and south

> inept response to an actual homeland disaster when it does occur (Katrina)

> busy fighting war #2 with a Muslim nation with no end in sight

> $425 billion deficit in Y2005 alone

I feel safer already. How about you ?:confused:


New member
Don't feel so badly
about current anxiety.

About your frustration,
emotional uncertainty.

That's the way you're supposed to feel,
that's the way they want you to feel.

Dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction.

Massive demoralization, family-unit break down.

You're supposed to believe
that war is imminent.

That crime soars,
and chaos prevails.

And then they give you a moment
of sweet, sweet peace.

And you become so happy
you don't send them to jail!

-Grace Slick

(whom, despite her '60s affiliation, is, from what I have heard, a gun owner).


New member
Long time support of this administration who is very disappointed in continued
errors(?) that does nothing for working people or my country but continues
to provide a greater source of money for the wealthy.:(



I thought Homeland Security was supposed to be a giant computer and phone bank to collaborate information from various law enforcement agencies... Not a force large enough to invade foreign countries.

So when do the brownshirts start marching?:barf: :mad: :barf:

Hard Ball

New member
There have been no sucessful attacks on the United States since 9-11 despite many attempts during the past 4 and 1/2years, so yes, I feel safer.


Moderator Emeritus
wingman - Capital letters and punctuation are your friends. I have no clue what you are trying to say. Would you mind trying again?

Thanks. :)


Moderator Emeritus
180,000 new fed employees to staff Homeland Security Dept.
Got a source for that?

our borders remain open from the north and south
Our borders may be somewhat porous, but they are not open.

inept response to an actual homeland disaster when it does occur (Katrina)
What does this have to do with Homeland Security or Feeling Safer? I feel safe because I am prepared, not because I believe the .gov will keep me safe.

busy fighting war #2 with a Muslim nation with no end in sight
Would an end in sight make you feel safer? Would you feel safer if it weren't a muslim nation?

$425 billion deficit in Y2005 alone
Again, what does this have to do with Homeland Security or Feeling Safer?

If we're going to have a discussion, let's begin with some verifiable facts.


New member
Again, what does this have to do with Homeland Security or Feeling Safer?

Source for # of employees within HS Dept.: FBI HS briefing provided to corporate security managers, Washinton, D.C, Jan. 2006.

Budget deficits and feeling safe: I'm 55 and I see the huge deficit spending as a major threat to my security as a retiree in terms of our economy, medicare and SS. So should you.

At war with no plan: The last time we did this I was personally involved (USARVN, '69-70). It didn't work out too well as I recall. Not for us, and not for the Vietnamese.

At war (#2) with a Muslim nation: Muslims outnumber Christians last time I looked.

What does Katrina have to do with HS: FEMA is part of HS. The incorporation of FEMA into HS was a major factor in their ineptitude during Katrina.

Borders not open - just porous: Porous reads 'open' to terrorists. If think they aren't open, go camp out near Nogales, AZ some evening and watch the foot-traffic.

There have been no sucessful attacks on the United States since 9-11 despite many attempts during the past 4 and 1/2years, so yes, I feel safer.
: I don't believe that has anything to do with our bloated HS department. But if you think it does, please tell me how the two are related.
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New member
It's the "despite many attempts" that I don't quite believe.

I have no real reason, therefore, to think I'm safer. The moslem world is more pissed off than before, so I might be at more risk.

But I DO have real reason to believe the Constitution has had a few big holes blown in it. That would be a "win" for those who "hate us for our freedom".

Read what Grace Slick wrote. You might not like her, but she was right. Hype fanning fear that keeps the powerful pulling the strings.


well pooey

It'd be nice if we lived in an ideal world where this conflict wasn't about religion but alas when you challenge someone's religion you're challenging their entire concept of reality. Regardless of the beliefs they hold that in itself can make a man do some pretty illogical things. It's not different for an athiest; challenge their beliefs and you'll often get the same reaction as you would from a southern baptist or a sunni.

As to the original intent of the thread: I don't feel any more or less safe than before 9/11. I believe that a Muslim takeover of America is as unlikely as a Christian or Jewish theocracy running America. I believe that the biggest worry is not what Bush and the guys on the Hill are doing right now but how their actions will affect what the politicians of the next fifty years can do.

Also, I don't feel any safer unless I know Jack Bauer is on the case.


New member
Jack Bauer wants to, Redworm. But he can't do anything, because Teddy Kennedy insists that Jack obtain a warrant and congressional approval before Jack does a single thing. But don't worry -- we'll rely on our ability to clean up and rebuild after the next terrorist attack. :D


New member
I believe that the biggest worry is not what Bush and the guys on the Hill are doing right now but how their actions will affect what the politicians of the next fifty years can do.

At the rate Bush is spending (current fed budget is $9,000 for every person in the US, including his Texas illegals). His deficit spending will certainly influence politics for years beyond his term.

And he is paving the way for Hillary to take his place in a few years. :barf:

And, he is a bozo. :p


New member
Considering that we have had no attacks since 9/11 I am very comfortable with the way President Bush is handling the situation.

I do not think that there will never be another attack from the Muslims, but I do feel safer, since that was the question.

I ignore the naysayers, and the Bush haters. You couldn't please some if you "Hung 'em with a new rope."



New member
redworm Americans never thought muslims would fly jets into the world trade center. But they did.....

We also never would of thought Good o' boy Tim would of did what he did, or the christian extremist blowing up abortion clinics...

From the looks of things, the Muslims extremist and Christian extremist are guilty of the same thing....you got it...being EXTREMIST.


New member
That is a very weak comparison, sounds like NARAL pro abortion propaganda.

I think Bush has done alot to keep the Muslim threat low,
I feel safer.


New member
He is a bozo.

Not since the days of the peanut farmer have we had to suffer such inept bozo-hood in the Oval Office.

His legacy will be that he served as the springboard for the feminazis to launch Hillary into the White House.:(

Big Ruger

New member
Yup! I feel a helluva lot safer now than I would if algore, or john kerry(who I'm pretty sure was in Vietnam, and cambodia) were in the whitehouse. I can just imagine,"I actually ordered the deployment of troops,,right before I canceled the order".
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