Feel like I won the lottery!


New member
I was hanging out with a friend this weekend, and mentioned that I was having a hard time finding 9mm ammo. She tells me "I don't shoot 9mm any more, but I may have some you can have".

She wasn't kidding - she goes to a closet and pulls out a gallon Ziploc that's nearly full of ammo and hands it to me! She asks "need any .45?", and hands me another gallon bag of .45 ACP ammo.

When I got home and counted/sorted it, there were about 1100 rounds of 9mm - about 400 each of Speer GDHP 124gr and Federal Hydra-Shock 124gr, and ~300 assorted FMJ round-nose and flat-point.

There were about 700 rounds of .45 ACP, mostly 230gr lead round-nose. The .45 was tarnished, but I tumbled it and it came out smooth (although still tarnished).

For the forseeable future, my friends aren't going to need to bring any ammo when we go shooting, although it's going to feel positively decadent using hollow points to blast paper!


New member
It sounds like you had your big "O" and ready to go home. I hope you didn't have to sleep over. LOL :)

In a more serious note. I think you should show your graditude and take her out for a very nice dinner in appreciation. It would also be nice to hear she is a shooting friend.


New member
Hey, if you're anywhere near Norfolk, I'll take you shooting and send you home with some!

Thanks a bunch...but I am a fer piece from you. You will not have a problem finding help with that ammo.

Good for you, buddy...that was a great score, and the price was RIGHT.


New member
I think you should show your graditude and take her out for a very nice dinner in appreciation. It would also be nice to hear she is a shooting friend.

Yeah, we go shooting all the time, and I've done a lot of stuff for her, too - helped her move, put an alarm in her truck, computer work, etc. I'm definitely picking up the next few dinners, though!


New member
Ammo in ziplok bags sounds like somebody else's reloads. Unless I knew them very well, or knew it was repackaged factory ammo I'd pass. Handgun ammo is a pain to break down to components to reload.


New member
scott did she just get divorced?? Sounds like someone is paying for something gone wrong. Your a lucky man, or maybe a good man.


New member
There were about 700 rounds of .45 ACP, mostly 230gr lead round-nose. The .45 was tarnished, but I tumbled it and it came out smooth (although still tarnished).

I hope you're not tumbling loaded ammo....


New member
scott did she just get divorced?? Sounds like someone is paying for something gone wrong. Your a lucky man, or maybe a good man.

Nah - no drama like that. She's ex-military and a competitive shooter, and she's always bought & stored ammo in huge amounts. She gave me a bunch, but I can't even imagine how much she still has left. I know that I saw two full cases of Lapua .22, and I know she has more on backorder.

I hope you're not tumbling loaded ammo....

Yep, it's loaded, but there's no danger of detonation, as slowly as the cartridges were moving through the media (think 1-2 inches per second). I know that in theory, the powder granules inside the case can be abraded and smoothed by the vibration, but I don't think it's any worse that what happens to it as it's shipped across the country. The guys who have actually chronographed tumbled vs. non-tumbled ammo haven't found any differences.

Also, .45 ACP is a fairly low-pressure round, so even if there is a microscopic change in the powder granules, It's not as if I was starting off on the ragged edge of safety, pressure-wise.


New member
"While we are aware that some hand-loaders, particularly pistol shooters, tumble loaded ammo to remove residual lube or just to make their ammo nice and shiny, this is NOT a sensible procedure. RCBS and most ammo-makers specifically warn against tumbling live ammo in a vibratory tumbler. Hodgdon’s official policy is: “Completed ammo should not be tumbled. The powder will degrade and increase in burn speed.” (From Mike Daly, Customer Satisfaction Manager, Hodgdon/IMR.)"

To each their own.


New member
Hey Scott. Im in Suffolk. Glad to hear about you finding some ammo to go shooting. Also nice to know that other people from tidewater participate here.


New member
I need to hang out with your friends, not one of my Norfolk friends has offered me free ammo ;) Congrats on the score.