Feedback on RCBS 505 Powder Scale

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I have never been LESS satisfied with any instrument, tool, measure or just about anything as I am with this total piece of crap that came in my RCBS Supreme Master Reloading Kit. I hate this garbage scale so much, as soon as I have the money to replace it I am taking this thing out to the desert and shooting it. It is so worthless. I checked that my bench is level, I zero the scale, weigh a charge, check the zero and it's off. Re-zero and re-weigh the charge and it's off. If you breath on this thing it loses its zero. I have tried removing and replacing the cup as slowly and carefully as possible, adding lead weight to the scale, moving the poises with tweezers while steadying the scale with my doesn't matter. None of it works, it never weighs a consistent charge and I never know if it's zero'ed or not. It takes forever to even load just 10 rounds and feel remotely sure that they are accurately charged.

Because of this junk scale reloading for me is just an exercise in futility and frustration. I can't wait to destroy this thing. I certainly feel sorry for anyone buying this scale apart from a kit. It sucks beyond description. I noticed another thread on making improvements to it, in my opinion that would only be as a very last end of world, all reloading supply stores closed and you only have access to a worthless RCBS 505 scale. This thing has me so livid.

I'm new to reloading, do all beam scales suck this bad? I'm going to spend as much as I have to on a good quality digital scale, whatever it costs I don't care. It will be worth it to not have to ever have to put up with this again. :mad: :barf: :mad: :barf: :mad: :barf:

Sorry if this is old-news to a lot of you, I just wanted to vent and give a warning to anyone else out there considering this scale or kit. I never would have wasted my money on this kit if I knew this scale was so worthless. I'm not having much luck with the powder thrower either, but I might just not be experienced enough to throw a consistent charge each time or maybe it's the shape of the powder I'm using or something. I don't really know about that. But if I could do this over I would completely avoid the RCBS Supreme Master Reloading Kit and buy the components separately and NOT get the RCBS (or maybe any beam-type) scale.


New member

Before you trash a company or product that bad, I sure hope you have called them to talk about it. Maybe it's defective????? I am sure they would work with you. Lighten up!!

Smoke & Recoil

New member
Chill out guy, Like you are new to the wonderful world
of reloading. Did you read up on reloading and then read more on
reloading? The RCBS 5-0-5 scale is a great scale, very unlikely the
problem lays within the scale, read more now. RCBS products are all
lifetime warranty, no questions asked. Maybe you have a friend whom
you have that can help you out. Just slow down, relax and read again.
Soon you'll know how to "ROLL YOUR OWN" :D.
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New member
After reading your post, I went and checked my scale to see if it is the same. Mine does and will maintain zero.
Yup its a RCBS 5-0-5.
Been using it for over 20 years without any problems at all. I am quite happy with RCBS products.
I hope you are able to figure out what is causing your scale to wander and not stay zeroed.
Do you have a reloading friend that can come over and give your scale a try? Just an idea.


New member
"I'm new to reloading, do all beam scales suck this bad? I'm going to spend as much as I have to on a good quality digital scale, whatever it costs I don't care.:

From your description, I believe you are moving the beam either forward or backward sufficently to shift the pivot rod/knife edges enought to make contact with the bearing holder clips. At that point, end friction of the rod will prevent free swinging and effect every action of the beam itself.

Perhaps a digital would be better for you.


New member
I have two beam scales, an old Herter's cast iron scale (oil damped) and a Lyman (D5?) that I think is probably identical to the RCBS 505. I like the Herter's, but the Lyman seems to be overdamped. I don't trust it for measuring small powder charges.


New member
I have been using one for years now and it perfect. You are new to this, remember. If you scale is within 3 ft of a flourescent light the magnetic field can wreak havoc on your scale. Try to troubleshoot before you trash. reloading requires time, patience, trial and error.

Good luck


New member
Balance beam scales are very sensitive to drafts. Make sure there is no air moving around the scale. If you can't avoid being near an A/C vent try cutting the side out of a cardboard box to cover the balance on 3 sides whie you work through the front.


New member
I had one that was starting to act funny on me like you mentioned. Bought it like 30 years ago or so and I contacted RCBS and they said to send it in. They either repaired it or sent me a new one and it works great now again like new. :)

Smoke & Recoil

New member
Fluorescent lights, speakers, air movement and vibration etc, can all be
causing your problem, and also...don't get to hung up on a perfectly
level loading bench, that's what the leveling adjustment is for on the
bottom of your RCBS 5-0-5 scale is for. Make sure that the balance
beam is clean at the right hand end and that the agate bearing are
clean as well. I really hope that you can resolve this issue.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
That's plenty for this one

Okay, now - -

OP, azsixshooter, got his rant off his chest, even though ignoring what might well have been some constructive questions and remarks.

I also note there have been one or two UNconstructive remarks, which certainly don't contribute to a positive signal-to-noise ratio.

Friends, if you don't want to discuss, only to complain, gripe, or launch a tirade, please post it in the forum, Retail Deals and Feedback. Thank you.

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