Feed ramps


New member
I’ve built a few ARs but it’s been some years ago. I’ve got a stripped A2 upper without feed ramps and most of the other parts to build a complete A2 rifle upper. I’m lacking a parts kit for the upper receiver and a barrel. It seems most (all?) Gov’t profile rifle barrels now come with ramps.

I like Windham Weaponry barrels and all their's have ramps but I suppose I might be able to special order one from them without the ramps but I'd rather not spend the dough if I don't have to.

I should know this but forget; can I use a barrel with feed ramps on a receiver without them? Yeah, I’m getting old and forgetful.

Thanks for your help.
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New member
Yes, all rifle caliber AR barrels have feed ramps. M4 feed ramps are just cut wider, and into the upper as well.

Upper with M4 ramps & barrel with M4 ramps is good.
Upper without M4 ramps & barrel with M4 ramps is ok.
Upper with no M4 ramps & barrel with no M4 ramps is good.
Upper with M4 ramps & barrel without M4 ramps is bad.