Feed issues with Kahr PM9


New member
Received my slightly used PM9 today, and took it out in the backyard to test it with 200 rds of WWB 115gr, and 20 rds of Federal HydraShok 147gr.

Accuracy is great, and perceived recoil is surprisingly low, for such a small and lightweight pistol.

However, the 7rd magazine failed to feed the last round every time I ran it, regardless of whether I loaded it with 7 or 5 rounds, and regardless of which ammo was used. I'll assume the magazine is the issue, as far as the 7 round mag goes.

With the 6rd magazine (the one that fits flush), I didn't encounter consistent problems. However, I did occasionally have to tap the end of the slide to get a full return to battery.

The pistol was cleaned and lubed prior to shooting.

Are there any known issues with feeding for the PM9? If so, are there any known fixes?



Walt Sherrill

New member
On another forum, one of the guys with similar problems replaced the mag springs (using Wolff) and the problems went away.

I've got a couple myself for my P9 that seem to do the same -- guess I need to order a 5-pack from Wolff, too.
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New member
Thanks, Walt.

I was hoping it would be a mag issue; easy fix if it is. Will try and find some Wolff's.




New member
Are the newer PM9s more reliable?

Might want to replace the recoil spring as well; this helped my used PM9 return to full battery consistently (and it's what Kahr did to help resolve the problem when I sent it to them). I also found the flush fit mags worked much better than the extended ones.

I sold that used pistol, and bought a new PM9, and haven't had a single problem, regardless of magazines used.

Makes me wonder whether most of the problems we hear about are with the older guns. Any new PM9 owners have any problems with failure to load or return to battery?


New member

I've now ordered mag springs for both the 6 and 7 round magazines, and a 20.5lb recoil spring set.

Not so sure about the "careful disassembly" to remove and replace the small, inner spring. May just start with the outer... It's hard to be careful, when I'm not sure where to begin. How does the inner spring come off? (Aside from under force and with impressive acceleration....)


New member
mag springs

Do You have a site and part # for the springs since You just ordered them . Thanks........WVleo


New member
Over squeezing

If it is only happening on the 7 round mag. Check your grip. If you have a strong pinky finger you can pull down on the mag slightly and cause this problem. Next time you shoot it leave your bottom finger loose and see if the problem goes away.


New member
If that's the case...

... then it's poor design.

Manufacturers shouldn't build a dedicated finger rest on a piece that can't handle pressure.

I'll test the theory though, but I really hope that isn't the issue. That would annoy me.




New member
I've owned my PM9 for a year and a half and have put 1200+ rounds thru it with no failures to feed in either mag style. I have 1 flat bottom and 4 extended. I did replace the mag springs with the Wolff +5% springs after 500 rounds but that was because I read that helped and not because there was any issue. I think it is an outstanding pistol and worth every penny.



New member
Design flaw.

A flaw it may be but I had a Glock 30 that would do the same thing with a friend of mine. No one else but him. We did some investigation and that was the problem.


New member
I have no expertise with this gun, but it is the only thing I've ever shot that misfed. (Which isn't saying much as I haven't shot a wide variety of weapons nor have I shot that many rounds.)

I've been considering this gun for purchase. Like you, I found it easy to shoot, not much recoil, and small. But I'm concerned about quality problems.

The magazine feels cheap and even as I was loading it, I thought, "this seems like a misfeed waiting to happen."

And then it did.

So if even a newbie like me was worried about the magazine, I assume that part may need replacement. Or perhaps the problem came from elsewhere.


New member
Exactly the reason I don't buy "used". I'm not a smithy nor even handy. My CW9, the entry level Kahr, has been perfect from day one. Not a single hiccup. Cost me a whole $409 with a free leather belt holster. I also support my neighborhood gun store.:cool:


New member
I'm not saying this applies to you but this is a light weight, polymer gun with a short barrel. It is prone to misfeeding by limp wristing. Those 2 words makes most gun owners cringe with anger but the fact does remain that these small polymers are very sensitive to it. I'm willing to say that 90% of misfeeds with this pistol are due to that and not the gun. Even with someone who has shot thousands of rounds in a full size or much heavier gun, this can and does occur. It's not a sign of weakness or not knowing how to hold a gun but more the gun's tendencies to a shooter used to a larger pistol.


New member
Limp wristing

I agree with you that this can be an issue with semi-autos. I've intentionally induced a stovepipe via deliberate limp-wristing in a Glock 30, just to see if it could be done after encountering a debate about it on TFL.

However, I can guarantee you I wasn't limp-wristing the PM9.

I used to be into indoor rock climbing and wrestling, and am still into whitewater rafting, sea kayaking, and aikido. If you're familiar with those activities, you'll realize my grip and wrist strength are not problems with any reasonable pistol in any reasonable caliber.
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New member
No problem, larryh...

... it wasn't taken personally, and my reply wasn't meant as a personal thing toward you.

However, for purposes of trouble-shooting this particular pistol's issues, I just wanted to make clear that we could rule out limp-wristing as cause.

The new Wolff magazine and recoil springs should be here next week. I'll test the pistol again after I've installed the new springs, and will provide the updated results.




New member
The Wolff springs arrived today...

... so I replaced the magazine springs in both the 6 and 7 round magazines, and also replaced the outer recoil spring in the handgun itself. Since I'm not sure how to disassemble and reassemble the guide rod assembly, I didn't mess with the inner spring.

The gun was clean, and well-lubed.

Took it out into the lower backyard to test it out (gotta love country living...).

150rds fired, 100 of WWB and 50 of Federal Eagle.

With the 6rd magazine, 0 malfunctions. Big improvement.

With the 7rd magazine, 4 malfunctions. 3 FTE/partial stovepipe, and 1 FTRB but ok ejection.

Note to Remow2112: I tried your suggestion of pinky off the trigger guard; it didn't seem to make any difference, although the unusual hand configuration caused my hand to shake slightly - it's not easy forcing oneself to hold one's pinky off a handgun, as though one is having a jolly old cup of English tea.

Another note to Remow2112: Cool movie; wonder if anybody else in the forum has seen it...

Back on topic: With the Wolff spring, my 6rd mag is working perfectly. While the 7rd magazine showed some improvement with the Wolff spring, it's still not functioning the way I'd like in a defensive handgun. I think I'm going to order some more 6rd magazines, and toss the 7rd mag into the darkest recesses of my safe. I still have a pair of Wolff 6rd mag springs, so I'll definitely switch those into the new mags.

Thanks for the inputs.


New member
I'll swap a 6 round mag for your 7. I'll even mail mine first. They aren't cheap and my PM9 loves the 6 and 7. If interested, let me know! I am serious.


New member
Now that sounds like a win-win.

My PM9 is happy with both six- and seven-rounders as well. I have two of each. I carry with the six-rounder installed, and carry a seven-rounder in my pocket as a reload. I actually shoot better with the six-rounder, but I figure that with the 6+1 and then a seven-rounder, I have 14 total. 14 > 13..., so there you have it. Maybe I'm "compensating" for no longer owning a Glock. Probably not. :)

I believe you said that you bought it used. Just out of curiosity, what is your s/n range? My PM9 had the dreaded "barrel peening" issue which affected early PM9s, causing all manner of ills (reportedly). Mine had the occasional FTRB. Kahr replaced the entire "top half"...slide assembly, barrel, recoil spring assembly. It has worked perfectly ever since, and became my every day carry for three years...until I started carrying my Kahr P45 this spring.

I don't remember the s/n range that was affected, but I'm sure a search for "PM9 barrel peening" will turn it up. If not, pm me and I'll see what I can find (I can look at mine if nothing else).
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