Feds and Imported Ammo?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
In a bull-session, yesterday, at my local gunstore, I was told there is some difficulty in getting imported stuff. Parts for an FAL, for instance, and bulk ammo.

The owner alleged that the Feds are somehow involved, messing around in the paperwork or some such. He said this info came from a telecon with J&G sales.

Anybody know anything different? Or have better info?



New member
Art, Clinton signed an executive order during his last year in office that prohibited the importation of many parts for certain guns. The Imbel receivers for the FAL and barrels for many guns were effected by the ban. I think that many parts for the M1 Garand and M1 Carbine were hit as well. Don't know anything about the ammo supply drying up though.