Federal Brass in .327 Fed Mag

Billy Shears

New member

Got 300 myself. It's going for the best price I've seen and shipping is fast.

Here's a question for all you revolver cartridge reloading afficianados out there: How many rounds of brass do you keep on hand for your favorite revolver calibers?

I shoot more .45 Colt than any other revolver caliber and have about 400-500 pieces of brass on hand, plus another hundred in .45 Schofield. I notice that with revolvers I never seem to keep as much brass around as I do with my semis. For example, I probably have in the neighborhood of 10,000 rounds of 9mm brass in my basement right now, probably nearly that many in .45 ACP; all processed and ready to load. I've never had that much revolver brass even though I do shoot a lot. It's not a matter of shooting volume, I don't think. It seems I just keep a smaller stock on hand, but load them more frequently. Some of my .45 Colt brass has been loaded two dozen times in the past couple of years. (I mostly load them with 38 grains of FFFg.)


New member
There's really no set rule, for how much brass I keep on hand for a particular cartridge (or firearm). I generally just keep adding to the supply, until I get to a point that feels "good enough".

For the .327, that point came when another .327 shooter dropped me a line on some once-fired stuff (last year?). I had 250-300 cases on hand (some still factory loaded), and added 500 once-fired nickel. Shortly thereafter, my order of 500 .32 H&R cases arrived. I already had 200-300 .32 S&W Long cases, 100 .32 S&W cases, and about 50 .32 Auto cases. In total, I had 1,600+ pieces of brass for a single revolver. It was actually more than I considered "good enough".

...But Crankylove helped me remedy that situation, when he bought a .327 SP101. I gave him a few hundred .327 and .32 H&R cases.

In contrast, my other (Super) Blackhawk, only has a brass count of about 350 pieces. And, that includes 50-75 .44 Special cases. Right now, only 75 cases are available for loading; and it doesn't bother me one bit.

I'm really hurting for 9mm, though. I only have about 4,500 processed cases, and 1,800 unprocessed cases on hand. It'll be a while before I need them, though. I loaded a substantial quantity over the winter. ;)