Federal BOP getting new handguns.


New member
I attended annual firearms refresher training today and we were informed that the Federal Bureau of Prisons will be giving up their KP89DAOs for Berettas. I don't know why other than they probably have some of that "Homeland Security" money they can spend. They 89s still work well and we have a BUNCH of magazines for them. The bad part is that all those mags are LEO marked so they will not find their way to the civilian market.

Some more of your tax dollars going down the drain.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
:confused: Why not Glocks or Sig's; surely the price
could come close to Beretta's?

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

El Rojo

New member
Yeah old Wackenhut uses the Rugers too. They also use Mossburgs. When I heard about that during my training, I guessed they would probably be using Savage for their precision rifles. I wasn't surprised when the training officer told me they used Savage .308's. Cheap bastards. What works, works though. Can't complain too much.