Fed Ord M-14SA and CMI mag questions


New member
I posted these questions of other boards while TFL was down. Sorry if it is a repeat for some of you. I like to thoroughly research stuff and check a number of sources. Two brains are better than one. Anyway, here goes...

M1A Question

I was given a hand-me-down Fed Ord M-14SA (M1A) by my brother-in-law. This rifle is in as-new condition, with probably less than 100rnds put through it since new. I haven't gotten around to shooting it yet, but I did fieldstrip it the other day and found a curious mix of parts

Reciever, Federal Ordnance ser 36xx
Bolt, TRW
Barrel, TRW
Safety lever, H&R
Trigger housing has a long number on it if that means anything

What other markings should I look for and where?

What are your first hand opinions of and/or experiences with Fed Ord M1As?

What sort of accesories / spare parts should I pick up? (got a heavy leather sling already)

Mag Question

The b-i-l kept the 20rnd mag that originally came with the rifle and gave me the 10rnd-er that came with his new Springfield. I have since picked up a couple of new 10-rnd mags from CDNN ( www.cdnninvestments.com ) that were sold as 'from original and famous mfg'. These have a C.M.I. stamping on them. These mags any good?

I'm not going to tell you all what I have found out from other sources already so it will not bias your input. I'll post that later.



New member
This From Fulton Armory pretty well sums up the questions you have about the rifle. The TRW & H&R parts are U.S.G.I. BTW, TRW made some fine barrels.

My first hand experiance with Fed Ord is limited. My bil sold me one cheap and I made him take it back because of various problems which I can no longer remember in any detail. I have two M1As with Springfield receivers and one with an Armscorp. The Armscorp was a story in itself.

Sight protectors would be good accessories as well as proper cleaning gear.

I would also try to secure some U.S.G.I. 20 round magazines mainly because they are the proper magazine for the rifle.

C.M.I. Check Mate Industries of Long Island NY. They were a maker of U.S.G.I. magazines as well.
