Fed 215's hard to find?


New member
Are Federal 215 primers hard to find everywhere or just here. I have looked at every outlet here and they are not to be found. I looked at Cabela's store, Sheel's, Big Bear, and Shiptons and none have them. I started to order some from Cabela's catalog, the surcharge just makes me mad. Do you think that Cabela's won't stock them to make you order them through their catalog. The new Cabela's store here doesn't stock magnum rifle primers of any kind. I am very disappointed with this store that was hyped for so long! I can get CCI 250 at Scheel's, but haven't been able to find FEderal 215's for over two years. Is this a local problem, or are they hard to find elsewhere?


New member
Seems like the Federals in general are hard to find everywhere. Last May, I ordered several bricks of various sizes from Cabela's. Got a reply that they were out of stock and would be shipped first of July. They canceled the order in Sept. Tried again in November of 09' and just got the cancelation the other day. They don't know when they will get a supply. Now this was from the online store both times. Maybe the stores are in better shape.