Fear of the inanimate mechanized object



I sometimes fear that at night, the lightbulbs in my house may unscrew themselves and smash themselves over my head while I sleep. :( To prevent it, I put some red loctite on all new bulbs before I insert them. It helps a little bit, but you never know if one of them is a clever bulb.

Note: I am making a lame attempt at being funny. I do not fear inanimate objects. Do not send the men in white coats for me again!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
My Dad fears computers...
Me? Envelopes. Hell yes. They get more expensive every year.
Of course its not the envelopes them selves - but what is INSIDE those little paper pouches... they can be very scary!


New member
Contact lenses. Honest. I've tried to wear them and I can hardly even come near my eye with one.

Telephones, but it's more hate than fear.


New member
What I fear

Anything that comes in the mail and does not say "Brownells" or "MidwayUSA" or "Wilson Combat" or Cheaperthandirt" or "Miwall" or "Southern ammo" or . . . . .
Well, there is a possibility that an old bridge collaspes while you cross it or are underneath it. What if you're at the foot of a hill and the parking brakes on a car gives out. Termites may cause your house to collaspe while you're sleeping in bed. As for those nasty guns displayed on the wall, what if it falls and breaks your toe? It's the gun maker's fault for not using lighter materials like "nerf" sponge for barrels or paper mache for stocks.

Derek Zeanah

New member
It's not mecahnized, but ladders.

Don't mind heights at all (or standing in the door at jump school -- that was a blast!) -- can walk around at the edge of the roof all day without any problems, or jump from 90' ledges into water, or whatever.

But rickety ladders freak me out.


New member
Well, there is a possibility that an old bridge collaspes while you cross it or are underneath it. What if you're at the foot of a hill and the parking brakes on a car gives out. Termites may cause your house to collaspe while you're sleeping in bed. As for those nasty guns displayed on the wall, what if it falls and breaks your toe? It's the gun maker's fault for not using lighter materials like "nerf" sponge for barrels or paper mache for stocks.

But isn't that really a fear of the laws of physics? It's not the bridge's fault that it was ill-maintained.

Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: The fear of inanimate objects is neither objective, or a fear. Discuss.:D