FBI Report Finds Maryland Leads in Robberies U.S.


MCDL: FBI Report Finds Maryland Leads in Robberies U.S. Newswire 16 Jan 8:20

FBI Uniform Crime Reports Show Maryland With Highest Robbery Rate in Nation Says MCDL
To: National Desk
Contact: Wayne Ericksen, 410-964-7928, president@mcdl.org,
or Ed Patrick, Dr. Norman Balog, D.O., Philip Lee, PhD.
all of Maryland Citizens Defense League

COLUMBIA, Md., Jan. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following was
released today by the Maryland Citizens Defense League:

The most recent FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) for 1999 shows
Maryland with the highest robbery rate in America for the FIFTH
year in a row.

MCDL's inspection of 1999 UCR crime data released on 10/15/00
shows Maryland No. 4 in violent crime from No. 5 last year, remains
No. 4 in murder, and keeps America's top robbery rate, held since
1995, giving Maryland the dubious distinction as one of the most
violent states in the nation.

The 1999 UCR (Page 66, Table 4, "Index of Crime by Region")
reveals the rate of robbery in Maryland was 263.7 per 100,000
citizens. That rate is higher than New York's rate of 240.8 and
higher than the national robbery average at 150.2.

MCDL asserts methods available for "victim prevention" in the
Free State are at an all-time low because of onerous legislation
(waiting times, 1996 Gun Violence Act, affordable handgun bans, one
gun a month, Responsible Gun Safety Act of 2000, discretionary
concealed carry permit system, et al.) which ties the hands of
citizens who would choose to protect themselves. By sponsoring
and promoting victim-disarmament in high crime neighborhoods,
Maryland's Glendening-Townsend and legislators have created the
violent criminal's dream -- a "victim-rich" environment -- and for
professional and amateur robbers alike, the safest working
conditions in these United States.

Politicans who support more gun control during the 2001 Maryland
General Assembly demonstrate either an inability to understand the
reality of violent crime confronting the people of Maryland or
worse, a lack of caring: our leaders have armed guards or carry
permits to protect themselves, we the people suffer and they deny
us our right to keep and bear arms.

The Maryland Citizens' Defense League ("MCDL" or "the League"),
founded in 1998, protects the natural rights and civil liberties of
the citizens of Maryland, including the right of citizens to defend
their lives and the lives of their loved-ones and to keep and bear
arms for self-defense. The League does this by informing and
educating the public and by encouraging appropriate legislation
and legal action. Further information is available at
http://www.mcdl.org or MCDL, P.O. Box 2035, Columbia, MD 21045


/U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/

01/16 07:49

Copyright 2001, U.S. Newswire

NOTICE: The material contained herein is provided by the Maryland Citizens Defense League without profit or payment to MCDL, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for solely educational purposes.


New member
A invitation from Commisar Glendening,
Attention criminals:
Come on over to the Free State! Robbery is booming here I've disarmed the rabble!

Well, not exactly "all" the rabble

"A free man shall never be debarred the use of arms" Thomas Jefferson.

Can I get a witness?


New member

Great, now we are gonna get all the scum bags from Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware, since they know we cant defend ourselves. Here is a big F*CK YOU to the nice men and women in the MD state legislature that are doing it "for the chil'ren." What use is saving the children if their parents are killed infront of them? Where's my 870...



New member
It is amazing, Glendening, Kennedy and the other liberals disarm Maryland and the robbery rate skyrockets. In contrast, just a few miles away in Virginia, firearms ownership is up and crime is down. Of course, I'm just a stupid citizen, but I suspect there is a correlated set of actions at work here, not that any of the elite would ever bother to listen or to dispassionately analyze the facts.


New member
and now the attorney general wants to impose even further restrictions on handgun ownership in md. he has made it clear he eventually wants to ban all handguns!

never thought i'd say this but living here in nazi jersey doesn't seem so bad!!!!!!!


New member
It is amazing, Glendening, Kennedy and the other liberals disarm Maryland and the robbery rate skyrockets. In contrast, just a few miles away in Virginia, firearms ownership is up and crime is down. Of course, I'm just a stupid citizen, but I suspect there is a correlated set of actions at work here, not that any of the elite would ever bother to listen or to dispassionately analyze the facts.

Actually, between 1998 and 1999 Maryland's robbery rate went down by 11.7% per 100,000 while Virginia's rate only went down by 4.3% per 100,000.
Take a look at the absolute numbers, not the percentage of decline. Virginia is FAR safer than Maryland.

That may be but Baltimore has been caught underreporting and downrating crimes, so I wouldn't be surprised if Maryland's crime rate isn't MUCH higher than it claims.

MCDL is currently trying to get additional crime data from the state. The most recent data curiously omitted Baltimore and PG county from the stats.

[Edited by fight4yourrights on 01-23-2001 at 09:36 AM]


New member

CCWs are almost impossible to obtain in Maryland, because you must have already been attacked to even qualify for one. And guess what? The Superintendant of the MD State Police determines if the attack was of sufficent brutality to warrent you getting one. AND: The police can limit you to carrying in any way they choose. For example, they could (legally) limit you to carrying only on alternating Ides of March, after 11PM but before 11:45PM and only while exiting a Super Walmart on the way to the local movie theater, if they were so inclined. That is why i call the place a commie state, the law says "Shall issue" but has the "must already have been attacked" as a requirement that must be met. My reps still havent responded to a letter i sent them, which asked "Would you prefer that your wife/daughter only be able to defend herself against the second rapist that attacks her, or against the first one as well?"

Don't you love the logic?

If you've already been attacked and it was violent enough to justify receiving a CCW, why do you need it? You survived w/out a CCW, so you can again.

FYI - when purchasing a gun, the Maryland form comes back "DISAPPROVED" or "NOT DISAPPROVED". Notice the state won't approve you owning a gun.

I have to move. :(


New member

IIRC, The reason it comes back disapproved or not disapproved is because of a federal law that bars states from approving or disapproving of applications to buy weapons or something to that effect. Basically, they changed one term and think they can get away with it because nobody has challenged them on it. I think the "not disapproved" has a little more behind it then symbolism, but i might be wrong.



New member
Of course Maryland has a higher overall robbery rate. What's Maryland and Virginia's respective heroin and crack addiction rates again? I was just objecting to the assumption that just because the rate remains higher it must be increasing.

Re 2000 Maryland numbers: Baltimore's robbery rate supposedly went down in 2000. Unless PG went way up I suspect that means the whole state went down again. Of course, crime numbers can be, and are, underreported almost everywhere. Our new Mayor is who got on the last administration's case about supposedly underreported shooting incidents. That said, murder numbers are harder to underreport and those _are_ under 300 for the first time in a decade, whether due to O'Malley's administration, the economy, or reportedly lessening crack use.