FBI, INS Lose Track of Weapons, Laptops


New member
Apologies if this has already been posted....I looked quickly and I didn't see it. :)

FBI, INS lose track of laptops, weapons

Probe find lapses in management


By Associated Press, 8/6/2002

WASHINGTON - The Justice Department has lost track of nearly 800 firearms and 400 laptop computers, more than half of which may have contained national security or sensitive law enforcement information, an internal investigation found.

Some of the weapons were recovered after they were used in armed robberies, the department's inspector general, Glenn A. Fine, said in a report released yesterday.

Most of the 775 weapons reported missing belonged to the FBI and Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Before last year, the FBI had not taken a complete inventory of laptops and weapons in almost a decade, despite an agency policy requiring one every two years, the investigation found.

Last year's inventory was prompted when other agencies, including the INS, reported large numbers of missing weapons.

''The FBI showed serious deficiencies in management in keeping track of weapons and laptops,'' Fine said.

Fine reported in March 2001 that an audit of the INS found the agency had lost about 500 weapons. The audit prompted criticism from Congress and a request by Attorney General John Ashcroft to review the Justice Department's other component agencies.

The report, which includes the INS figures revealed in the March 2001 audit, prompted more criticism yesterday.

''This problem has sparked consequences, in criminal acts and danger to national security,'' said Senator Chuck Grassley, Republican of Iowa, a senior member of the Judiciary Committee. ''According to the reports, the problem of missing guns at the FBI, in particular, is a mess, and it's been that way for years.

''It stems from weak discipline, lax standards, tardy reporting and few, if any, consequences,'' he said.

Some Justice Department officials attributed much of the problem to faulty paperwork and tracking, suggesting some of the equipment may have been loaned to other government agencies or may still be in the possession of government employees.

The FBI said it is creating new programs to address the problems.

The inspector general's report found the INS and the FBI reported losses of 539 and 212 weapons, respectively, during the audit, from October 1999 to January 2002. The FBI reported an additional 211 missing weapons.

This story ran on page A6 of the Boston Globe on 8/6/2002.
© Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company.


New member
The story's been making the rounds, and I notice that the 775 firearms has now expanded to 800 in the first paragraph only to shrink back to 775 by the third.


New member

They can't track their equipment, don't know what their employees are doing, are leaky with secrets, don't know where people with expired visas are....

But we're supposed to trust them (alphabet agencies), they "know" what they're doing.

And this (alphabets) is where the Department of Homeland Security is going to get most of its staffing!?!