FBI duty weapons


New member
I've heard the FBI used to issue Sigs and now they've switched to Glocks. However, those agents who were originally issued the Sigs get to keep them as their duty weapon. My question is this, for new agents nowadays, are you forced to carry the Glocks, or do they have an "authorized list" from which you can choose your duty weapon?

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's My Friend,

I don't rightly know the answer to your question, regarding
new agent's? But, a retired agent I know of started with an
old Smith & Wesson M&P model 10 years ago; when he got
out in 1997 he was carrying a Sig P226 in 9m/m. Guess what?
He got to keep the P226, upon his retirement. Thanx to the
U.S. tax-payer's.:eek: :( :rolleyes:

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Blue Duck357

New member
Hey Dan, wasn't that the cause of most of the FBI's "Missing guns"? Agents just "assuming" they got to keep their issue guns when they retired. He might get call one day when they get to his number on the list :eek:

The way I understand it you can continue carry whatever you qualified with in the past, but you can't just go back and pick something that the FBI had approved at some point before you got there. Thats why it's something of a status symbol for an agent to carry a 10mm (Shows they have been around awhile).

I think if your a new hire, it's basically Glock 22 or 23 (your choice) for you. Though I'm sure lots of special circumstances exist if your undercover etc..


New member
Recently I spoke with an agent who was also a firearms / swat instructor. He said that new agents receive Glock 23s, thats it.... and that he got to have a Glock 22 because he was an instructor.


New member
The Glock 23 is the standard issue but I think there is an approved list for agents to choose from. Or at least I read an article that said two of the survivors from the infamous Miami gun battle now carry a Sig P220 and a Sig P226 respectively.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Hey Blue Duck 357, this guy was no common field agent; as
he was the agent in charge at such places as Houston, TX-
Buffalo, New York-and Bombingham, AL. As a matter of fact,
it was he that re-opened the 16th Street Baptist Church
bombing case; dating back to 09-15-63.:eek: And yes,
I use to work with this fellow.:(

MK11- Smart agent's carry .45 caliber Sig P220's.:D :cool: :)
Just happens to be my favorite, also.;)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Blue Duck357

New member
Must be an interesting friend Dan. I'd note that I also know two people who have worked for the FBI. Well actually both of them are in prison now, but at least I know them ;)

GlockPower, did you happen to ask why the instructors are carrying 22's while the field agents are carrying 23's? sounds odd. Only agent I really worked with on a case carried a revolver but then again he was also the single most boring human being I've ever met.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Blue Duck, I would not go so far as to call this former F.B.I.
special agent a friend; more like an aquaintance. His train
of thought is too always SCREW somebody, somehow.
This fellow got hired by the bureau with a damn forestry
degree from Auburn; I thought they only accepted criminal
justice and accounting degree's? They must have needed
his expertise in catching "wooley booger's" in the forest.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
I personally would not base any judgements about handguns on opinions from FBI agents, whether they be field agents or SAC's. Their knowledge of firearms is probably no better or worse than any other LEO.
Rock_Jock, I agree. My best friend from college is now in the FBI. Last time I spoke with him on the phone he had trouble understanding what model of firearm I was talking about.:rolleyes:


New member
I will agree with Rock Jock also. People often look to what the military or LE folks carry, and decide to do the same.

I guess they forget the decisions were made by bureaucrats buying weapons for large numbers of mostly non-gun enthusiasts.

Personally, if I were outfitting a large groups of people, I would pick a caliber (so logistics would be easier) , and give them several choices.

Trying to make everyone use the same gun is like making everyone wear the same size of shoes.


New member
Well put, I Know that FBI SWAT carry Springfield 1911's and 10mm MP5's. And the Standard issue Pistol for Field Agents is the Glock 22 or 23 but I think that they would allow Sig 220's, 226's and 229's. And Hopefully a P229 SAS Gen 2 w/ SRT Trigger and Night Sights :D


New member
Just my .02$- (.01$ after our Dear Leader gets his cut)

I have a freind who I have known since 1976, eight years in the Marines, and is a senior field agent for the FBI. He works the Chicago gang unit with other LEO agencies. We shot together at an IPSC match a few years ago when he came back east. His duty weapon was the Springfield 1911. The ammo he had was the Rem. Gold Saber?
He shot the match pretty well, finishing about the middle of the pack of 56 shooters. Which is not bad considering he had never shot an IPSC match before. Short story, most bad guys will not fare well against him in a gunfight.
And he had proven that a few times in real life before our match.
But I did smoke him that day:D, finishing in the top five, which was not a common occurence for me.


New member
FBI agents have been issued Glock .40 cal autos for about the last decade. Glock 22's were issued for many years to new agents, currently Glock 23's are issued. This has more to do with availability from Glock than with any preference: either model was available to agents changing over from SIGS or S&W 1076's for many years based on personal preference. Glock 17's and 19's are available to new agents who have demonstrated recoil sensitivity to a significant level.

The FBI mandated changeover to Glocks about a year and a half ago. The S&W 1076's were called up several years ago, as were the SIG 226's. Numerous issue SIG 228's are still being carried, however.

FBI SWAT has the option to carry a target-grade Springfield 1911.

Approved personal weapons have included revolvers, certain S&W autos, certain SIGS, and certain Glocks, most of which have been phased out in the past 10 years. Approved SIGS included the P220, P226, P228, & P225, as well as the P229 in .40 cal. Many of these are grandfathered in, as are Glock 22's, 23's, 26's, 27's, and 21's. Currently, only 26's, 27's, and 21's are eligible as new approved personal weapons.


New member
There are many LE officers that have NO interest in guns other than they have to carry one and only fire fire them when the are required to. There are also officers that are gun nuts like me who carry, fire and work on them whenever possible. My only gripe is the ranges around here have a 2 second rule between shots which is not realistic.



New member
I agree with KraigWy.



New member
I have twenty years on the job as a municiple LEO. Trust me half the guys on my job couldn't tell you the make, model, or caliber of their issued handgun. The FEDS, all FEDS not just Quantico guys, seem to have a better firearms training program.

My understanding was they have issued firearms and approved. I believe they have to qualify more often with approved then issued. The biggest problem with the 1076 was weight and recoil. The Sigs are also kinda heavy for dress belts, (though most of the guys coming out of FLETC carry P229 DAK.)