FBI and the G23


New member
Can some one tell me what year the FBI started using the Glock 23? Did

they state any reasons for the switch, and/or have they made any

comments about it's performance in the field. Do they still authorize and or

issue it?

(I'm trying to write a paper about why my security company should allow us to carry Glocks.)


New member
Circa 1997-98 after what the FBI claims was an extensive tasting program. Actually it's both the Glock 22 and Glock 23.


New member
The 22 and 23 are still the primary sidearms issued to agents and according to a friend in the Bureau, they love them.


New member
must be because they

don't know any better .most of them never even had a gun on person till the great shootout of 87 with platz and matrix if i rember there names might have spelled them wrong but i rember it .they went to a thing they called weapons craft and made them shoot there gun not just leave them in the car,thanks,keith


Name a gun and caliber and someone "important" somewhere is using it.

"I see your FBI Glock and raise you a Secret Service Sig!"


New member
I think the Glocks are tastier, myself, but the Sigs make better gravy.
:D :D
All kidding aside, the glocks has an easier manual of arms to deal with, than most other semi-auto available. Its simple, reliable and effective (maybe cheaper too).
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