

New member
What are some of the favs in your collection that you just dont think you could part with? I've got a 66 no dash 2 1/2" in box w/all accessories, a 940 in box, and a 640 Perf Ctr in box that it would take a small miracle for me to get rid of. How bout you?


New member
I have very few random handguns,,,

Most of mine were very deliberately chosen for one reason or another,,,
It would be difficult to get rid of any of them.

All of my S&W revolvers would stay,,,
All of my CZ pistols would stay,,,
All of my Beretta's would stay.

I'm sorta ambivalent on my Mk-III Colt Troopers,,,
I like owning them but rarely shoot the guns any more,,,
I've actually contemplated selling the pair off in the near future.

I would miss my Bersa Thunder pistols,,,
But I could let them go.

Same with my Taurii mouse guns.

If I had to choose one to keep,,,
It would be my S&W Combat Masterpiece.



New member
All of them ....

a. all of my S&W revolvers... model 18's, 19's, 27's, 28's, 29's - 66's, 686's, 629's...even a 617 ...some in 2 1/2", a lot of 4",some 6" and some 8 3/8"...can't let any of them go ...

b. all of my 1911's ...at least from Wilson Combat and Ed Brown ...the les Baer I'm going to give to one of the kids..../ the Kimbers, I'll give to one of the boys or the grandkids probably ...

but they can fight over the Wilson's and the S&W revolvers when I'm gone...and split em up ....


New member
All of my S&W Revolvers have some New and some old ones that would be hard to replace. Two of them have sentimental Value.


New member
My collection is not yet large enough to produde a long list of guns I would not get rid of, but I have a good start...

I would not get rid of my Colt detective special
or my S&W model 19
or my Browning Hi-power
or my CZ compact PCR

Of course, I would get rid of them if I was about to lose the house or my kid needed a kidney, etc.


New member





New member
I'm looking more at that Blackhawk. I love that gun with the 45/8 barrel. Carries well and shoots like a dream. It feels so, so. . .dependable in my hand. I wouldn't part with mine.


New member
Ruger 357 Anniversary Blackhawk


Colt SAA 3 1/2", 45 Colt


Colt SAA 2", 45 Colt


Colt New Frontier 7 1/2", 45 Colt



New member
Well, I am at the point now of trying not to get too emotionally attached to any of my guns. I have a 1937 38-44 Heavy Duty and a 1980 model 520 that I keep saying I'll keep just because they are a bit more collectable, but to be honest I just don't want to collect anything anymore. I do have an old Ruger Single Six that was my dad's that I won't part with, though.


New member
There are some guns that I love to shoot, those ae the ones I want to keep.

Among them a simple S&W M65

My Korth

A 686 that I bought new

While not a revolver, this handgun, a SIG P210-4 is a great shooter!

It took me a while to find a Hämmerli 212 but I do not regret getting it!


New member
I can't get over that Python. (Definitely, the crème de la crème)

I'm looking more at that Blackhawk. I love that gun with the 45/8 barrel.

Thanks guys !!.... they all get carried and shot too. O.K. I don't CCW the .22 Officers Model Target, but it does see plenty of trigger time. ;)

No safe queens here.

I could sell others that I have, but any of those 4 would be REAL tough to part with... If push came to shove...the last to go would probably be the Army Special.... I'd be swapping the Ivories off the Python and on to the A.S. if it ever came down to that