Favorite sites for once fired brass

Coach Z

New member
I'm looking for brass in a few different calibers and if possible would like to place one big order to save shipping. I've been struggling to find places that have them all in stock. It certainly may not be possible but thought I would ask if anyone had suggestions as to good places to look for them.

.500 S&W
.32 acp
.25 acp



Some of those calibers you should have been collecting brass for years ago simply because it does not come in as range brass very often. .25 and .32 acp good luck. 10mm and 45acp there was someone here that just posted those. Most of the range pickup brass sellers use the flat rate USPS packages and they know how many thousand will fit in those packages.

I do not know how many you are looking for but I like to have a minimum of 1000 cases for a caliber that I shoot much. Guys that are still competeing probably want 10,000 as a minimum.

My best advice is to try the guys here and combine shipping.

Finding sellers online is as easy as doing a web search for once fired brass. My friend had been looking for brass for his 8mm mauser. I wound up sizeing it for him and he was real happy to pay my costs to get another 107 that I formed and loaded for him.


New member
Buy from a reputable seller even if it cost more. I was going to buy a bunch of .223 and 9mm and a forum (not TFL) member suggested that to save money, I should buy from him instead. Brass arrived promptly as promised but I had to throw a third of it away because of damaged cases. It was supposed to have been sorted/inspected. In the end, I ended up paying for about 200 cases that went to the landfill so I actually lost money in the end.

Coach Z

New member
Some of those calibers you should have been collecting brass for years ago simply because it does not come in as range brass very often.

I'm getting brass for a couple of these before I even own a gun in the caliber. Looking for deals and getting things together and once I have a supply then I'll look for the gun!
COACH... I can personally cover 3 of the 5... the pistol calibers... can give you a good deal on those if you're interested... PM me if you want...

I'm trying to build a supply & match headstamps on all my calibers, so I've been buying mixed once fired cases, de-capping them with a universal die, wet tumbling with stainless pins, & sorting by headstamp ( I have some bags of mixed at better prices ) I sell once a year at one local gun show... have 1000's of 25 ACP & 32 Auto... less of the 45 ACP, but still have several 100 of those... might have a few 10mm as well...


New member
thefiringline.com is where I have gotten ALL of my brass. it comes up eventually in the classifieds. or just ask the brass sellers to keep a look out for something "unique" and with time it has always come. monmouthbrass has some good stuff at an "okay" price, usually out0of-stock but have a good alert system, so check your email often and they will usually get within a couple weeks.


I plan ahead and order at Starline. Love the quality, not going to put questionable cases with unknown background in my guns.


New member
Several years ago, at a Tanner Gun Show in Denver and before the 22 shortage, I found man selling .22 LR of various manufacturers in bulk in zip bags. He had about 350 to 400 rounds per bag. He made arrangements with one or two outdoor ranges to sweep and clean all brass at the end of the day. For his labor, he was able to keep everything, including the un-fired 22s. I bought five bags from him for $5 per bag. Later, after sorting the misfires from what appears to be good rounds, about 3/4ths of the bag was left for shooting. I sorted them by Remington, Federal CCI and others.

The suggestion is, perhaps you could make a deal with a range like the above dude did. I have a friend who works at a range. He gets all the brass he wants in all sorts of calibers. Perhaps you could find a part time or full time job at a range.


New member
Once fired is tough to prove, unless you bought them from the person who actually fired them and that person
A. does not reload
B. always shoots new factory ammo

I have a local guy who buys range & military brass by the bucket load, he inspects, cleans, resizes and trims the brass, he quality is pretty good. He even built a die to size and trim .223/.556 brass into .300 Blackout.

His name is Wes (his website is down at the moment) he ships all over the country, if you are interested, shoot me a PM and I'll provide his phone number.

Tony Z

New member
Another vote for virgin brass such as Starline, etc. I've gotten burnt several times through the years with once-fired looking as if it were only fired once after the 12th reloading!

Several times I've also gotten brass with military crimps and finally had to buy a crimp remover to use the brass (once was from a magazine ad, the other from Amazon when I didn't pay attention to the fine print). The military crimps did not really bother me as much as getting the so-called once fired that was anything but!