Favorite sites besides TFL

Ed Dixon

New member
I asked a question like this pertaining to next-best firearms sites, but now I'm asking what non-firearms sites do you find most worthwhile? Just absolute, tried and true favorites. (Gun-related? What do gun folks like when they're not liking guns.)


I am into WWII piston aircraft,so I read and study the subject often. I am also into 60s Muscle Cars,I attend shows several times a year and have owned several classics. My current classic is a 1963 Corvette...:cool:


New member
I've spent too many hours of my life on www.military.com forums. TFL and mil.com go well together. Occasionally I've run into a few antis there and came to TFL for ammo to rebut them with. Though on a military site, the antis are far and few between.


New member
NASCAR.COM of course!!

NASCAR....everything else is just a game. :D

Also like Drudge, Newmax, Fark, TheSmokingGun, JoeCartoon and Dumb.com (Dumb and Stupid Pages on the Web).

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Something That Is Very Dear To Me

Medal Of Honor Recipients & POW's

I will never forget these brave soul's!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
www.woxy.com - Great music!

They play more new music than any other station I've listened to.

I've been listening for 10+ years and still hear songs I've never heard before every day. Listen for a month and you'll never go back to the stations that play the same songs over and over and over again.


New member
Here's a couple more I like:
www.morpheus.com - shared music,video, images, software
www.kazaa.com - same as above, but it seems to bring much better results. I've downloaded whole movies from this one. Spiderman, Star Wars-Attack of the Clones, and Lilo and Stitch(for the kids). None of them have even been released to video yet.