Favorite quotes or sayings - part - 2

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New member
#1. And I..
holding my head in horror, and cried. "sweet spirt,

What souls are these that run through this black haze? And he to me. These are the nearly souless whose lives concluded nither blame nor praise.

They are mixed here with that despicable corps of angles who niether for God or Satan, but only for themselfs. the high creator.

Scourged them from heaven for its perfect beauty and hell will not recieve themsince the wicked might feel some glory over them. "

And I..

what gnaws at them so hideously that thier lamentations stuns the very air? they have no hope of death.. He answered me.

and the blind and unattaining state thier miserable lives have sunk so low that they must envy every other fate.

No word of them survives the living season. Mercy and justice deny them even a name. Let us not speak of them, Look and Pass on..

From: Dante - Inferno - 3 - 29 -48

#2. It is astouding to realize that half of human knowledge has been discovered or created in the past century. BUT THEN AGAIN SO HAS HALF THE BULL****. D.H. Futterman

#3.It was a women who drove me to drink.. I never did get around to thanking her.. W.C. Feilds.

[This message has been edited by 12-34hom (edited May 18, 2000).]


New member
"If at first you don't suceed, try again. Then quit, there's no use being a damn fool about it."
"Its time to grab the bull by the tail and face the situation"
W.C. Fields

Inside every silver lining is a great big black cloud.

I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. It was a train.

Murphey was an optimist.

Nobody ever raped a .38.

I love cats. Wanna swap recipes?

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!

[This message has been edited by Grayfox (edited May 18, 2000).]

Stephen Ewing

New member
"If cats looked like frogs, we'd all realize what evil, vicious, mean little bastards they are." --Terry Pratchett.

"That which does not kill us makes us stranger." --Unknown, from the Nietzshe original.

For pure off-the-charts irony, "While we cannot pretend to claim that victory is certain, it is far too early to say that the war is lost."-- Japanese General Anami on the afternoon of August 9th, 1945, after Nagasaki.

"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist-"--unknown, possibly fictional.

Stolen from a recent thread here, "F U and your machinegun."

"Ride to the sound of the guns." Various, notably Napoleon Bonaparte.

"L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace."/"Audacity, audacity, always audacity."--Various, notably Danton and Frederick the Great.

"Never take counsel of your fears."--various, notably John Pershing and George Patton.

"Trust no one." --Will Rogers. Just kidding.

"Visualise using your turn signals."--bumper sticker.

"Do you think you could drive any better if I crammed that phone up your ass?"--bumper sticker.

"Dear Lord, please protect me from your followers."--bumper sticker.

"It's Tommy this, and Tommy that, and chuck him out, the brute; but it's 'Savior Of The Country' when the guns begin to shoot."--Kipling

The entire list of "Murphy's Laws of Combat." Including, but not limited to:

"Incoming fire has the right of way."

"Friendly fire-isn't."

"The important things are always simple.
The simple things are always hard.
The easy way is always mined."

The poetry and musical lyrics are too diverse to even begin to mention.

"Quantum est ille canis in fenestra?" is a great example of how profound something stupid like "How much is that doggie in the window?" sounds in another language.


Bud Helms

Senior Member
"Get your mind right and the body will follow." - Shino Takazawa, sinsei, hachi-dan, Keishinkan do, in a small town near Shimoakatsuka, a south-west suburb of Tokyo, re: 1965.


New member
"The ability to heal quickly, compensates for stupidity." Evidently this is my family's motto.

"Nuke 'em till they glow, so you can shoot
'em in the dark"

"Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out", a variant of "Kill them all, God will recognize his own", courtesy of the Albesengian 'Crusade' (as in massacre).

Sniper's motto: "Don't try to run, you'll only die tired."

Guaranteed not PC. From the movie "The Red Badge of Courage", by Arthur Hunnicutt after a fight:
A woman, a dog, and a walnut tree
The more you beat 'em
The better they be

(ducking for cover now) :)
On a courier vehicle that called in to work yesterday:
Driver carries only $20 in ammo

On a young woman's T-shirt at the shopping centre:
It's not PMT -- I'm just a bitch!

T-shirt at the local markets:
Let go of my ears -- I know what I'm doing :eek:


Dr. J

New member
"Everything is connected to everything."

"Always return fire."

"There's no such thing as a free lunch."

All Anon


New member
Peace through excessive firepower.

There are few problems that can't be solved with the propper application of high explosives.


I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stephen Ewing:

"They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist-"--unknown, possibly fictional.


Major General John Sedgwick, Union Army.
Battle of Spotsylvania, May 9, 1864.
Shot by Sgt. Grace, 4th. Georgia Infantry.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
"Give war a chance." - unknown, but probably military in origin.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited May 19, 2000).]

Good Guy

New member
“…what he’s after is to create a credible threat of liability….The more cities that file, the greater is the threat. So what you really want is a diversity of cases in lots of different regions, lots of different courts to create the greatest threat of liability.”

You might call this the “spaghetti strategy”: Throw a potful against the wall and see if any strands stick.

You might also compare it with what the Irish Republican Army said after it’s Brighton hotel bombing failed to assassinate Margaret Thatcher: “We only have to be lucky once. You have to be lucky every time.”

Comments by a forgotten attorney on suits filed by various cities against gun manufacturers.

[This message has been edited by Good Guy (edited May 19, 2000).]

Eric of IN

New member
"College: a bar with a $15,000 cover charge."

"Everyone needs to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer."

"Hang up and DRIVE."

"I love animals. They taste great and keep me warm."

All attributable to bumper stickers.


Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.


New member
Dr. J

I've seen the following attributed to Garrett Hardin:

Garrett Hardin's Four Basic Rules of Natural Systems:

1. Everything is connected to everything else.

2. Everything has got to go someplace.

3. There is no free lunch.

4. Nature bats last.

I really like that last one :)


New member
Soldier WW2 “They have us surrounded the poor bastards.”

Soldier Korea “Were not retreating were attacking in another direction!
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