Favorite Hunt stories!!


New member
Now don't get me wrong, my favorite stories are usually about me and mine..But I remember a story as told by a baseball great as I heard it on the radio several years ago... The story is about Mickey Mantle, he spoke of a hunting trip in which Billy Martin was for the first time to join him..Now Mickey had been hunting this place for a long time,(I no longer know the exact farm location) and the old farmer and Mickey were good friends. They finished their baseball season up and the first thing Mick did was to head off and start the off-season by hunting various areas, well Billy told Mick he'd like to go on the hunt,and so Mick took him. They left out of New York just before dark and headed out to this farm that Mick hunted every year. Billy had had a few beverages during the trip and fell asleep..About 6:00 am Mick pulled up the drive to the farm where he was met by the farmer. Billy was still out, fast asleep.. Mick and the farmer cordually shook+howdied.. The farmer say's to Mick,"hey my old mule has had it, and I can't put him down myself, can you do me the biggest favor Mick and do it?", Mick said "yes I'll go to my car and get my rifle and we'll get it done quickly" Well Mick's minds a workin hard and fast. Being Billy has never been hunting with him ( and we all know some of the famous stories of their travels,) Mick decided he was going to pull a fast one on Billy. Mickey get to the car and slides his rifle out of the guncase all the while Tommy is waking up, Now Mickey says to Billy that "the old farmer ain't going to let us hunt the farm this year,and to get the hell out of here, so I'm going to go shoot his damn mule", well he squeezed the trigger one time and the mule fell swift and sure,at the same time he heard shot's coming from behind him, and noticed a few cow were dropping!! Mick swung around to see Billy shooting of the top of his car hood!! Micks yells Hey what the hell are you doing? Billy says I got some of his cows too!!!!!!:D:D:D I swear this to be true as I heard it!!:D

Thanks for coming!:cool:
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T. O'Heir

New member
"...don't get me wrong..." Not even a little. 'me and mine' stories are campfire stories. This forum is as close as we can get to that.
My favourite hunting stories are about the daft things that happen. Like hunting ground hogs all day with a buddy, me using my Cooey .22, missing every shot for no apparent reason other than operator failure, out of a 10 round mag, then literally being on top of a hole, with a chuck looking up at me, pointing the rifle at a sure kill only to hear a click on an empty chamber. No last shot hold open.
Sadly, my buddy is dead now, still laugh at the memory.