Favorite Handgun Targets...?


New member
Time to order up some more handgun targets for use at my local club.

Any preferences on paper targets for handgun use and/or places to buy them online?


New member
My favorites are the smaller white silhouette with a grey background, they are called the FBI Qualifier at my local shop but I don't know if that correct or not. Usually I will take one of those Shoot-N-See stick on targets a round one about the size of my hand and put it center mass on the FBI qualifying target. When I don't feel like paying for targets I just take computer paper and stick some cheap Hornady target squares in the center of it.


New member
Anything with 5 or more targets printed on the same piece of really thin and crappy paper. I just punch holes and don't see the need to spend more than necessary.


New member
I enjoy the one with a hoochie mama in a miniskirt holding an uzi.

Also, the islamic terrorist targets are at the top of my list.


New member
Paper plates.

Five circle rimfire target.

And especially the hostage target-no room for error on that one.

(Cans,if I am outside where I can safely shoot.)

Smokey Joe

New member
Cheap targets...

For practice purposes, I go to www.Targetz.com and download whichever one I like. (Currently, the 3" black bullseye is my favorite, for practicing bullseye pistol.)

You print ONE of these on your computer printer--it takes quite a bit of ink. Then you wait until your local Office Max, Office Depot, Kwik Kopy or equivalent has a sale on copies; take the target in and have 'em do up 300 or 500 or 1k or whatever number you need.

If you want you can have 'em printed on heavier paper than "regular" copy paper; makes scoring easier and they're more durable in wet weather outdoors.

The Targetz targets say right on 'em: "Please feel free to share copies--no unauthorized modifications." so I copy 'em like crazy and don't modify 'em.
Thank You, Targetz!


New member
Any free target is what I like best. I've never understood "paying" for targets when you can just about download any thing you want.

Smokey Joe

New member

I've never understood "paying" for targets when you can just about download any thing you want.
It ain't the downloading that costs, it's the ink for your computer printer. MUCH cheaper, IMHO, to use Office Max's printer ink.

'Course, if all you want is 1 or 2 copies, well, that's different.
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#1 Moses

New member
almost full size man targets I got at a police supply store. I get some odd looks at the sports mans club I belong to But hey thats just what keeps me sharp.


New member
I like to print them also, and I am a college student so I get 75 free pages a day for printing in black and white haha.


New member
This (targetshooting.com) guy is just about the nicest person you would ever want to deal with. At the bottom of the page is a table of links. Third column, second row will show you the targets he has available. Most are on 1/8 sheets of paper (11x17"), and one is 1/4 size (17x22").

I know a lot of people like the free targets (I used a few before also), but the range I go to has a restriction on target sizes; 11x17" being the smallest they want you to shoot. I think it's important though, to support businesses that are good to their customers. Wally's targets are on good, heavy paper. My favorite is #7657 since you can go with a range buddy and duel, but I also like #s 7654, 7656, and 7660. For those that go the "pay-to-play" route, check him out, he's got my vote.