favorite guns of the Republicans running for president


New member

Every Republican running for president brags of being pro-2nd Amendment while out on the campaign trail. But how many candidates actually practice what they preach?

Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has seven guns, ... His favorite, the aide said, is a Kimber 1911 pistol.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul also owns guns, but his campaign wouldn’t get into specifics.


A .22 rifle is former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman’s favorite, spokesman Tim Miller said.

Probably not the most important thing you need to know about a candidate and certainly not a complete article, it is a bit interesting.
Hope this doesn't devolve into politics.


New member
Ruger has a "Coyote Special" model of the LCP,,,

That had to be because of Governor Rick Perry,,,
Doing a coyote with one while out jogging.

Any collaboration?

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New member
I was initially asking for collaboration,,,

as to the gun's name,,,
Wondering if that is why Ruger named that model LCP the Coyote Special.

Not whether or not he actually shot the 'yote or not.



New member
I'm a Texas boy and to my knowledge the story is true about Perry shooting a coyote that attacked his dog. The gun was reportedly a LCP with a CT lazer sight.


New member
Michele Bachmann is looking up in my books, I guess I can understand why someone would not want to let the world know: COME(try) to rob me, I have 30 guns and I will be on the campaign trail for the next few months.

On the flipside; isin't the secret service probably watching all of these candidates houses by now?


New member
On the flipside; isin't the secret service probably watching all of these candidates houses by now?

They won't likely be there forever. I suppose this is an instance in which it's better to be safe than sorry.

I'm kind of disappointed in this article. I really want to know what Ron Paul has in the arsenal. :D


New member
“The Winchester stocked and sighted to suit myself is by all odds the best weapon I ever had, and now use it almost exclusively… ”
- Theodore Roosevelt

Of course he ran for president a long time ago.....


New member
Have attended a number of Iowa campaign events over the years, since we're the first in the nation with the caucuses, have had a chance to see first hand politicians with and without guns.

Years ago Sen Phil Graham (Tx) did a sporting clays shoot when running for President....he enjoyed the shotgun games and hunting. Bush 43 was also a shot gunner, hunted dove & quail. Sam Brownbeck (KS.) dropped by to shoot some AR's once. Tom Tancredo is also an avid bird hunter. There's more....but I won't disclose it here.


New member
Didn't current vice president Joe Biden say he had a Beretta shotgun? That's pretty cool. Living in the city of Chicago I doubt the president owns a gun, but Biden apparently has multiple shotguns, the Beretta being his favorite.


New member
Ron Paul served in the Air Force and Air Guard as a surgeon.
Perry was also in the Air Force.

Not sure about the rest.

I don't think military service is a going to make a person more likely to be a gun owner or will predict how they stand on gun rights.

I would be will to bet that all past presidents have owned a gun at sometime. Even the current president probably has gotten one of the ubiquitous presentation guns.


New member
I have an acquaintance who is a Silver Star recipient (AFSOC guy) who does not think civilians should have or carry handguns. Military affiliation, and courage for that matter, are not guarantees of RKBA proponency.