Fancied-up SKS


New member
I'm thinking of buying another SKS for the sole purpose of tricking it out. I'd like to see some pics of SKS's y'all have gussied-up.


New member
I first "tricked" mine out by thouroughly cleaning the cosmo, then running the stock through the dishwasher...I had my doubts, but it came out clean without a trace of that cosmo smell and without any swelling. My advise is to check it every few minutes. And all the small nicks were gone as well. After that, I let it dry overnight, sanded it a with 320 down to 600, applied a light stain, then a coat of tung oil.
Aside from the cosmetics, I have a 2" extended buttplate for my 6'2" frame and a 30rd mag(I don't see it working though) that should be waiting for my at my front door next week. The front sight hood it a little out-of-round, and I can't figure out why the front sight is off, so I was thinking about a bolt-cover mounted scope...but I think scopes on SKS's look silly, so I may just cope witht the bent iron sight. Hey, it's an SKS.

From the dishwasher:

Among his new friends:

The sunlight really brings out the red

Aside from the cosmetics, I have a 2" extended buttplate for my 6'2" frame and a 30rd mag(I don't see it working though) that should be waiting for my at my front door next week. The front sight hood it a little out-of-round, and I can't figure out why the front sight is off, so I was thinking about a bolt-cover mounted scope...but I think scopes on SKS's look silly, so I may just cope witht the bent iron sight. Hey, it's an SKS.