Famous Firearms Dates

Jeff Thomas

New member
I've seen terrific lists of firearms-related quotes, firearms experts, and a few other things. But, I've never seen a web-list of famous dates, significant to firearms. Can anyone steer me to one, or can you provide a few?

I did find this link, which is somewhat interesting: http://www.ktc.com/personal/larnold/tlineframe.htm

However, I'm really looking for the exact day as well, and I'll really appreciate any help with this list.

So, I'll start it off with perhaps America's most significant:

April 19, 1775 - British Redcoats attack American Patriots - per one web site 'By April of 1775, British General Thomas Gage learned heard that the Patriots had gathered together an arsenal of weapons in Concord, sixteen miles from Boston. He ordered his soldiers to go to Concord and capture the weapons. They decided to go through Lexington to look for Sam Adams who they wanted to arrest.

Somehow the Minutemen learned about the British troops going to Concord to take their weapons. So they went to Lexington and waited for the British to march through the city. The British marched into Lexington early in the morning of April 19 and were met by seventy Minutemen drawn upon in two lines.

There were between 600 and 700 British soldiers. When the Minutemen saw that they were outnumbered, they started to back down. It was then that the shot heard around the world was fired. Even today, no one knows who fired first, the British or the Patriots?

But that shot caused the British to fire two volleys. The first went over the Minutemen's heads and the second was fired right into their midst. The Minutemen scattered, but not before eighteen of them were killed.

The British marched on to Concord where they hoped to find a stockpile of rebel weapons.'

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, I've posted some dull or nearly dead threads on TFL before, but this one takes the cake. Are there really no interesting firearms 'anniversaries' to note?

ps - I promise to never mention this again ... ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited January 15, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus
I think that this would be an extremely hard thing to pin down as most good firearms dates are actually over a span of time and not an actual date. For instance; JMB did not design the 1911 on a particular date, instead it was designed over a period of years. Same goes for most any design, updates etc.
Usually only negative events happened at a particular instance,i.e. Kennedy assassination.
It seems that good things take time whilst the bad comes along in an instant.