Family shows and guns.


New member
Of all the non-western shows I watched growing up, the only one that showed the Dad and sons hunting together, was the Waltons. I remember an episode of Andy Griffith shooting skeet, but it wasn't with Opie. Does any one remember any others? I guess TV and the media has been against guns for longer than I thought.


New member
Eight is Enough, if i remember right
Father and son keeping a family tradition of Duck Hunting.
The earliy morning scene of them in the Duck Blind where they look at each other and ask something like, "What are we doing here" anyway they then went back to the motel And back to bed thereby becoming non-hunters.
Sad reality is that is happening way to often today.

I love the way Phil Robertson is passing the tradition along in Duck Dynasty.
Jason is a true "Throw-Back"
Example, he spent the night before opening of Duck in a tent and the rest overslept in Willie's RV.


New member
Few and far between. Andy Griffin did have another episode with Opie showing off his marksmanship skills shooting for a prize at an unscrupulous carnival booth. (Andy was able to make that right.)

The ‘old’ Dallas had Bobby out trap shooting for pure recreation (taking a day off from the oil ‘bidness’). They also showed one of the families with kids out on the South Fork ranch shooting .22’s for fun and no disasters occurred!


New member
In one episode of "All in The Family" Archie Bunker bought a handgun for home protection. Of course there was a negative outcome.

8MM Mauser

New member
I've seen similar hunting type scenes in several sitcoms, the message usually being that the characters are foolish :(

In the show How I Met Your Mother one of the characters is a gun owner and shooter and there have been several scenes at a shooting range. Of course all the guns are unrealistic my enormous (desert eagles and other giant guns) and they live in New York so I'm not sure how tough it would be for the character in question to own them.... But, she is not a pariah for it or particularly derided for her ownership, though sometimes another character does argue about it with her.

They did have one sort-of anti gun episode. The message was more to do with knowig what you are doing though


New member
Donna Reed - Alex (dad) took Jeff (son) duck hunting. I don't recall any shooting going on. I think they mostly talked about "how to deal with your mother" kind of stuff. They wore the quintessential "Elmer Fudd" plaid outfits and hats.

Sgt Lumpy

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I think the dad on Leave it to Beaver had hunting rifles. In the clip below, the Beaver is shown a neighbor's gun.

I Love Lucy had firearms in it at times - usually in a comedic sense. Not haters if I recall. In one episode, Lucy and Ricky got into the wrong country house and were held at gunpoint by a homeowner with sporting shotgun.


New member
I was gonna mention That 70's Show, which wasn't really negative.
They have several episode's later on involving Kelso in the Police Academy and handguns, one of which is annoying (Kelso and his female cop in training buddy take Fez to the range) and the rest are Kelso, the <insert Red Formans favorite insult here>, doing something stupid, which isn't anti gun as much as character appropriate.

I've never been a fan of the way firearms are treated in HIMYM. It's the same annoying theme as That 70's Show episode. Hot chick with big guns being tough, ditzy and bloodthirsty.


New member
I remember an episode of Mr. Ed that didn't end well. Wilbur and a friend went hunting and Mr. Ed didn't like hunting animals, so Mr. Ed laid down put some ketchup on himself. Thinking they accidently shot Mr Ed, they threw their guns in the lake.


New member
Well I will allow Mr. Ed some slack as I him being a talking horse and all.....:D

Plus Clint Eastwood guest starred on a Mr. Ed episode.

8MM Mauser

New member
They have several episode's later on involving Kelso in the Police Academy and handguns, one of which is annoying (Kelso and his female cop in training buddy take Fez to the range) and the rest are Kelso, the <insert Red Formans favorite insult here>, doing something stupid, which isn't anti gun as much as character appropriate.

I've never been a fan of the way firearms are treated in HIMYM. It's the same annoying theme as That 70's Show episode. Hot chick with big guns being tough, ditzy and bloodthirsty.

Well HIMYM certainly aren't gun people for sure, but they manage to avoid beig strictly anti, which is basically a win in modern media. It's a goofy stereotype for sure. But Robin is a gun owner and not a pariah or a "bad guy."


New member
I remember an episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show that took place in the basement "den". There were a couple of rifles hanging on the wall. They were never mentioned, they were just there to show that it was his space.

Back then if you had a gun you were considered a "sportsman" and it was just something you did, not a political statement.


New member
Newer show, King of the Hill, had a father and son engage in shooting competition. Kid gets a 22 pump rifle, and dad uses his own 22. It was a good episode.


New member
Well HIMYM certainly aren't gun people for sure, but they manage to avoid beig strictly anti, which is basically a win in modern media. It's a goofy stereotype for sure. But Robin is a gun owner and not a pariah or a "bad guy."

I don't really agree. She is generally ridiculed and looked down on for it.
Kind of a "She's nuts and it's stupid that she has these guns, but she's our friend, so we'll just tease her and only get slightly alarmed when she pulls out a gun." which I don't see as all that positive.


New member
Newer show, King of the Hill, had a father and son engage in shooting competition. Kid gets a 22 pump rifle, and dad uses his own 22. It was a good episode.

Several good ones came out of that one -

Bobby: Dad, can I put a gun rack on my bike?
Hank: Son, you don't know how long I've been waiting for you to ask that.

Plus, it was shown as a father-son bonding time. They didn't win the big competition, but both were just happy to be doing it together.


New member
Yeah, that's probably my favorite episode. It was pretty humorous when Hank had his flashback to when Cotton was teaching him to shoot.