False Perspective


New member
New Virus free...False Perspective

some of these are getting rediculous.
I see many examples of False Perspective trophy photos, especially of pigs...Many were fine specimens on their own

This one was an obvious photo shop job
Link deleted....feel free to add your own examples

Most involve the hunter being way back behind the animal
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New member
Good grief, what is the point of something like that? False advertising for those outdoorsy toughguys who want the biggest baddest hunting gear?

False perspective was great in the Lord of the Rings to make the hobbits appear half-sized, but this is kinda ridiculous.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
That hunter was gooood, he doesn't even cast a shadow. Poor piggies don't stand a chance with him around.

Hog Buster

New member
It seems like an old maid who lived all her life in a house in the boondocks called the sheriffs office. Told them that a very large gray animal was in her garden pulling up her turnips. Questioned, she said had never seen anything like it. It was pulling up the turnips with it’s tail. The sheriff’s office, suspecting a crank call, questioned if she had been drinking. She told them emphatically that she was not and never had. After a long pause the sheriff’s office asked what the creature was doing with the turnips. Miffed about being asked if she had been drinking, she said that if she told them they wouldn’t believe it.......

Some things just depend on ones perspective.......;)
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FYI the home page for the image, monsterpig produced a threat according to my virus software.

{complete link removed}
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New member
The picture posted was okay (as long as you don't try to dig into the source). It was the link in DNS's post that set off the alarms on my PC.

My guess is DNS looked at the source in order to find other similar pictures and his virus protection flagged the threat.
Yep, I wanted to see more...a classy ploy into which I got sucked. No damage done as the virus software isolated the intrusion. I don't even know if it was a serious intrusion or what, but either way, I know I didn't want it.

Live and learn. :eek:


Staff In Memoriam
I don't mind a guy who stands a step back from his deer on a hook or kneels down in a divet behind his downed kill to "embellish" the size in the image...

In this pic I tried to hold this out at full reach but I was whooped and hot. You can tell I have a bend in my arm...
My shirt is pulled tight as I was "bowed up" holding her as it was the last pic of the series...

She really is a true trophy wall hanger lunker as can be seen in this as I wanted a tape measure pic too.

BTW she went 27":D:cool:
Revived and released...