FALs from AIM

Chris Orndorff

New member
Sorry if this has been asked before, but...AIM is offering
"FAL .308" rifles built with Steyr STG-58 parts kits and
an Imbel receiver for $530. Anyone know if this is a
decent rifle, or more probably put together by a blind
plumber and a welder's apprentice? Thanks for any help.


New member
they are nice rifles. Don't listen to that BS by the people who spent 1200 on a custom built one and want everyone else to feel like they got a "bargin".

Mine shoot, functions and looks great.


Steve Smith

New member
The only problems I know of are:

The bolt hold-back has normally been ground off (after the last round has been fired, the bolt will go foreward).

They sometimes don't have a pistol grip stock

They don't have a bipod. If you're interested in this, and you get an AIM rifle, make sure the barrel on yours has two 3/4" grooves in front of the handguards, not jsut one. One is for the sling, and one for the bipod. Pre-coordination wtih AIM would be necessary.

Joe Klug

New member

You've got one of these FALs from AIM? How are they to deal with? Any problems at all? I have not really thought about a FAL but at $530 I just might if it's a good rifle. I have never read any real good things about the "parts" rifles but I would prefer to hear from actual owners rather than what some purist at a gun magazine writes.

I still want a M96 badly but at less than half the cost I might be happy with one of these FALs.:)

BTW, do you know if these rifles are "metric" pattern or "inch" pattern? I remember reading that this makes quite a bit of difference in finding parts and magazines.



New member
Hi Joe,

Yes I bought and AIM Fal. It very nice,parkarized type finish (all black) the stocks on them are US replacements and not supper great but adequate. AIM's don't come with bipods or carring handles (at least mine didn't) but it shoots well and seems in great condition, no jams..etc. If you want a Fal, one of the century arms ones that aim and others sell is a good choice. I got one with a brazilian Ibrel recieve because everyone said they were the best type.

Mags are cheap too. I bought three from CDNN investments. By the way their Promag 15 rounders for the CZ75 are great too, only $15 each and they work perfectly in my pistol so far.

I didn't talk to aim directly, had my FFL dealer do it but I insisted he buy it from aim because I heard good things about thier customer service.

Hope that helps



New member
Also check the gas piston, many are cheapo 2-piece units, and come pre-bent, for your convenience. Mine was.

The AIM STG58s are built by Century from assorted military surplus parts on new Imbel receivers, so you never really know what you're going to end up with. For awhile they were using new Argentine barrels, not the original Steyr's (the Argentine bbls don't have the extra bipod cut). Then they started using Steyrs again.

I asked for a Steyr barreled gun. Aside from some minor pitting in the bore, a selector that wouldn't stay put, and the bent piston, the gun I got was in very good condition. I'm replacing the piston and selector with DSA parts, no biggie for me.

If you want an affordable shooter, and you're prepared to possibly replace an odd part or two (maybe), then go ahead and get one. I'm glad I got mine.

By all means, call AIM before you place your order, and ask questions. They've always been very helpful when I've called, but they're also very busy, so prepare to feel a little "rushed". :)

Joe Klug

New member

Yes, that does help. Thanks. Sounds like a very good rifle for the money. I take it that what Century arms is doing is a lot like what others do with the M1A where they take a receiver and use lots of parts from various places to build a rifle. Nothing wrong with that as long as all the parts are compatible.

I'm going to have to seriously look into this.



New member
I got a parts gun FAL. Its an L1A1 on a Hesse reciever. I have no complaints whatsoever. The bolt holdopen was screwy but easy to fix. Shoots GREAT! Chrome lined barrel, new finish. One fine toy.