FAL Scope Mount Source.


New member
I need a source other than DSA or Brownells for a DSA scope mount for an FAL. I tried DSA and they are out for 2-3 weeks. I also tried Brownells and I don't think they have the correct one I need listed. Their price is 100+ dollars. DSA wants $68 I believe.



New member
Scope mount

Your choices are DSA/Tapco/Arms
Back when i first got my L1A1 , i wanted a mount as well but DSA & Tapco was out and after a month of waiting i didnt want a cheap one either but i went ahead and spent the extra money on a DSA SA58 PARA Extreme Duty Scope Mount DSA had them in stock so i went with it . the mount is very solid even though its for a Para it will still fit all Fals . Iam sure other members can answer any other questions you may have


Here is some pics of mine

Here is the link to the Fal Files this place will help you on questions that you may have
it helped me out alot. http://www.falfiles.com/forums/index.php

Here is the links for DSA/Tapco/Arms http://www.dsarms.com/ http://www.tapco.com/departments.asp?dept=18&rc=FALFILES http://www.mountingsolution.com/products/ARMS/ARMS-3.htm

Jamie Young

New member
DSA is always out of scope mounts. They told me that last year (2-3 weeks) and I got it a week later. Just order the thing and you'll get it soon enough.


New member
Brownells has the same one; it's just more expensive. After DSA took amost a week to let me know that it was back ordered, I spent the extra bucks and got it from Brownells.


New member
There's a lot of feedback on the various scopemounts over at www.falfiles.com as previously mentioned. It might save you a chunk of change. For example, I found out that there's an outfit selling like-new Trilux scopes for about $189. Others are selling beatup versions for $250+. A few minutes surfing over at falfiles should help.

Good luck!


If you cannot find any of the mounts you are looking for try a B-Square mount. I have one on my FAL and I am very satisified with it. No problems with it at all after two years of shooting with it. I believe I paid about 45 dollars for it.


New member
I sure hope B-Square's FAL mount is better than the POS they make for the M1A. The first I tried fell apart - I mean it literally fell apart.

The second wouldn't hold zero.

I now have a Springfield 3rd Generation mount which is solid, and a real aversion to B-Square.