FAL range report


New member
I shot my FAL for the first time today. I'm impressed. The 100m range was full so I could only shoot it at 50m. I have almost no experience with rifle shooting so far, so I was surprised at how accurate I shot with the FAL. Its definitely easier than shooting handguns, the first time shooting a pistol I was glad to keep the shots on the paper.

I was sitting, with the rifle resting on a table in front of me. The groups were off center, the sights need to be adjusted a little and I didn't have the right tool with me, but surprisingly small. Even standing, I kept all my shots in the black of a standard paper target.

I'm using the iron sights right now, but I'm already thinking about a scope for shooting at longer ranges in the future. I have no doubt the accuracy will be good (if I do my part) at (at least) up to 300 meters.

The ammo I was using is South-African military surplus (thanks to "wjkuleck" and "SDC" for telling me that;)). The empty shells are roughed up pretty bad but right now I don't load .308 myself. I will buy the right dies some day, but not now.

What else can I say? I love this rifle and can recommend it to everybody who wants an evil black rifle in 7.62 NATO:D

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New member

Had to do a double take there! Then I realized you weren't in the US! Very nice original paratrooper you have there. :eek: Congrats.
very nice looking gun there. lol . I thought about getting one. but decided against it. Now I am regretting it, lol. It's okay though... I've got a friend ovre in Iraq that's gonna send me an AK.


New member
Thanks for the kind words :)

Then I realized you weren't in the US! Very nice original paratrooper you have there. Congrats.

Why are they not allowed in the US? Or is it just that none were imported before the ban?

This one is from Argentina btw, so it once had a "fun switch" ;) But I had to have it converted to semi-only...


New member
This one is from Argentina btw, so it once had a "fun switch" But I had to have it converted to semi-only.
Argentine? Looks just like a Brazilian Imbel to me.

Why are they not allowed in the US? Or is it just that none were imported before the ban?
They are allowed in the US. DSA makes really nice Paras. the imported FALs have to have the receivers cut up though. Out govt. won't allow import of anything automatic.

I have a Brazilian Imbel that has a US receiver and some other modifications.


New member
Argentine? Looks just like a Brazilian Imbel to me.

I'm not 100% sure...A friend of mine bought it 2 years ago and I bought it from him. I thought it was from Argentina. I could be wrong though. How would I find out where it's from?

PS: I also thought it was Argentine because it was full-auto capable, not every country had those I think.


New member
Nice Fal. I just bought one built from an Austrian STG58 parts kit. Nice Hi Power also. I use to have a Hi Power too until I traded it for my Fal.

We are also allowed to have them here but our government doesn't allow them to be imported as working firearms anymore. We have to build them from parts kits imported into the country minus the receiver and as of last year the barrel either. We also have other laws we have to follow when it comes to building from a foreign parts kit that amount to nothing more than driving up the cost.

I think you are right about not all of them being full auto. You can get more information from
the http://www.falfiles.com. They have a wealth of information on Fal rifles. You need to be a member though to join the forum but it is free.


New member
I thought it was from Argentina. I could be wrong though. How would I find out where it's from?
What are the markings on the upper receiver? Does it say "Imbel" or have a gear shaped logo anywhere?

Here's Imbel's website. You can see the different rifles they make.

I'm not sure how to ID an Argentine. I suppose it would say FMAP on it. Here's some pics of one I found when I Googled.

I guess they are fairly similar in appearance.


New member
I've got a friend ovre in Iraq that's gonna send me an AK.

I hope you didn't mean that the way it sounded, cause that would be off the chart illegal.

Not that some don't get through, but I know a few guys that ended up making big rocks into small rocks during Somalia by trying to do that...

Willie D

New member
Ugh. This thread is totally making me want to buy a FAL.

What's the least costly receiver? I haven't seen any for under $300.

Lawyer Daggit

New member
Congratulations. Consider putting a holosight on your FN if you are looking at shooting it to 150 yards, otherwise scope it.

It looks like a nice rifle.


New member
"I'm not sure how to ID an Argentine. "
One major way to ID an Argie is to look in the reciever right next to the pivot pin for hinging the reciever halves open.
A lot, if not all the Argies had an "extra" pin across the reciever just above & behind the pivot.
There was also some metal machining to allow this pin to recess into the upper when the rifle was closed.
If you have the extra pin & the machining to accomodate it then it's Argie.

There were at least 2 versions of the Argies, the early ones were made for Argentina by FN in Belgum, but marked as Argentine models. Then they started production in the country by FMAP.

Can you give us the markings on the reciever, and lower assy? this should let us figure out what version you have.