Fake Cop Indicted on Multiple Charges

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New member
This is obviously a bad dude and reason to be aware of cop impersonators. This guy had made his car up to appear as an unmarked cruiser. With his fake cruiser and bogus badge he made traffic stops and now it appears did far worse.


I am not one to advise people to treat police as the enemy. We need to be aware though that there are fake ones out there and they can be very dangerous. Use your head when stopped by a cop. If it is an unmarked car, non-uniformed officer, I would advice getting to a very public placve while contacting 911 on your cell to relate your concern that you may be the target of a fake cop. This is the advise I have given to my wife and family and hope others do the same. Any real cop, after he learns why there was a delay in stopping, should be able to understand the problem.


New member

Yikes. As if I'm not paranoid about enough stuff.


New member
Oh. My. Gosh.

Now THAT is scary!

For everyone: if you have ANY reason to believe that the person contacting you as a police officer is NOT a police officer:

1. If on foot, ask to see both badge AND commissioning card. A real cop will hae BOTH. (NOTE: There are some Departments that will not issue their Reserve Officers commissioning cards. Don't know why.)

Be familiar with the badge design and details of your home town or city, and the surrounding jurisdictions.

2. If being stopped by a patrol vehicle, be aware of the license plate design. Most jurisdictions will have some type of distinctive license plate. However, some police vehicles DON'T. Also, be aware that most jurisdictions mandate that ANY officer doing traffic MUST do so from a marked vehicle, and MUST do so in uniform.

3. For the gun savvy--get acquainted with your local cops, and know what their department authorizes them for sidearms. This might well help your determination, and only takes a glance. A revolver is usually a dead giveaway--as is a non-secure (Level II or III retention) holster. Also, look at the duty belt--is the person stopping you in proper uniform, or do they look like a soup sandwich? (Nylon and leather gear mixed, for example)

4. If you are driving and you are "lit up", yield and pull over in a well-lighted area. If you do NOT feel comfortable, CALL 911. Tell them that you are being pulled over, and that you want to know if the person behind you is really a police officer.

That is just plain SCARY. :eek:


New member
In another charge, prosecutors said Terry duped Raymond Alleyne, a retired city bus driver, into giving him $120,000 in cash and two credit cards to keep safe from Freemasons, who Terry claimed were out to get him, Parson said.


New member
The only good advice given so far is:

-call 911 if you think you are the target of a fake cop
-stop in a public, well-lit area... put on your flashers (turn on dome light too if night) to indicate you are going to comply with the stop but are looking for a safe place to do so

I'd take other advice with a grain of salt unless it comes from the horse's mouth. Go to a neighborhood community meeting with the local department or something similar.

Law Enforcement is a very locality-specific thing... it is always best to learn the laws, regulations and procedures of YOUR city/town/county/state... as they ALL vary, sometimes greatly.


New member
I'd take other advice with a grain of salt unless it comes from the horse's mouth.

Awww, Wil-burrrrr! You didn't check my profile, did you? Pass the alfalfa, while you're at it.....:p


New member
Why does every police agency have to make every major bust into a marketing event? I'm talking about the wording on the sign.

Just give us the facts, don't market yourself to us. You're the government, for the sake of God. You don't need to advertise.


This seems like a pretty rare thing. I wonder if the fake cops are as rude as some of the real ones?

Sure we're paranoid, but are we paranoid enough?
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