Faith in the Rule of Law

Do you believe that it is correct to follow the Rule of Law?

  • Always

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • Nearly always

    Votes: 26 36.6%
  • Most of the time

    Votes: 29 40.8%
  • Some of the time

    Votes: 9 12.7%
  • Infrequently

    Votes: 4 5.6%

  • Total voters


Laws are made by humanity. Humanity is inperfect and thus anything created by humanity will be imperfect. That's part of being human. No system of law will ever be pefect and thus should never be followed blindly.


New member
Here in Texas they made a law that reduced the speed limit on the freeways to attempt to meet pollution regulations. It was already proven that it wouldn't help. In defiance myself and others drove the "normal" speed limit and chose jury trials when tickets were issued. Juries were acquitting people and as in my case, the cops were just giving warnings. They finally ditched that law. Sometimes you have to take a stand and hope your peers will back you up. There are some in prison who didn't get that back-up; some are free that did. Just like many other times, it can depend on how good your lawyer is. But I voted "almost always", because I think that the law is mostly right.


New member
In defiance myself and others drove the "normal" speed limit and chose jury trials when tickets were issued. Juries were acquitting people and as in my case, the cops were just giving warnings. They finally ditched that law.

uh oh, now WildAlaska and Stage2 will be having conniption fits. I hope you are your Jury Nullification buddies are happy with yourselves.


New member
We live under "the rule of law". Those that answer affirmative to the bottom two questions probably agree to give up their freedoms periodically in life. The rule of law has a way of forcing itself upon you. :D


To the extent it is realistically necessary. I avoid any dealings with the legal industry as much as I can. It's a matter of necessity and practicality- not that I consider THE LAW to represent objective right and wisdom. It is the product of lying weasels. I wouldn't expect buffoons, poltroons, lechers, liars, knaves, shysters, thieves, and usurpers to produce an uncontaminated system.


New member
There's no option for "NEVER."

Also, is the question a moral/ethical one, or is it a question of practicality?

I do what I can not to get caught.


New member
There is a difference between the letter of the law and the Spirit of the law. All to often LEO's follow the letter rather than the spirit. Most traffic stops that lead to infraction citations serve no purpose other than to create revenue for the municipality and poor feelings from citizens.


New member
The Bible teaches to submitt to teh cival magistrate. So I obey most everything that does not cause me to disobey God.

I ask teh questions.

Is it the governments jurisdiction? If yes then I will obey.

If no:
Does obeying it cause me to sin?

And does disobeying it hurt my Christian witness?

The Biker

New member
Correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not a bible scholar), but didn't Jesus whup up on a bunch of money lenders with a whip at one point?


The Biker

New member
I remember a story I was told as a kid (in bible school) in which he overturned the money lender's tables and chased them around with a whip. Guess I stand corrected.



New member
You are correct Biker. Here's one reference

John 2:13-25

13 Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
14 And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the moneychangers doing business.
15 When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers' money and overturned the tables.
16 And He said to those who sold doves, "Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!"


"Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!"
I think you could use this story as a rationale to use a whip on someone who has set up a business in your parents' house without their permission, especially if you claim to be an incarnate deity. I don't think it's relevant to the matter at hand.

Perhaps more relevant would be the passage where Jesus told his disciples that it was right for them (and him) to pay taxes to the Roman Empire.

Carryabigstick has correctly summarized the Bible's stance on following the law. The Bible is pretty big on obeying authority--not a good place to look for arguments to support breaking the law.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Let's see, 6 responses are on topic. Three responses are to the ethics or morality of the topic and fully 7 answers are of a religious nature.

I suspect this thread will close soon...

Big Don

New member
To any who vote "Always": have you EVER driven faster than the posted speed limit?
Me? 71 in a 65 because the CHP won't usually stop me at that speed, especially when others are blowing by me. I always stop at stop signs because one of these days, I'd get caught by rolling one. Worse yet, I roll right into an oncoming vehicle, or run over a pedestrian, which is why the stop sign might have been placed there. (I know, that's not always the case, but it is in this case.;))
I was raised to respect the law because the law is there to protect me and mine, in most cases. Have I ignored laws that I think are "bad"? Yes, I might have, but there would have been very few of them.
Good poll!
John, I think Hey-zooz's answer to the tax question was a little more ambiguous than you imply. If you mean the "give unto caesar what is caesar's..." line, that was one of the great feel-good non-answers in history.

Jesus was more than a little bit of a politician. Bush could really use a guy like that to write his speeches and flog him with cords when he screws up.


New member
I do trust in law.. as in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, etc. Alot of these new frivilous laws, I dont care much for. All those homeland security laws in my openion are about as 10lbs of bull manure stuffed in a 5lb sack.

And in general, I dont trust LEO's. In my expereince, they havent really been what one would call "model citizens"