Fair Chase Law

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
From a thread in the Hunt forum: http://real-hunters.com/full.swf

It's worth a listen. It is stated that Jimmy Houston of the Outdoor Channel was a willing participant in one of these canned hunts.

This sort of unethical hunt has been made illegal in many states, even prior to 2004. We need to try to ensure this is nationwide.

Anti-hunting sentiment is tied to anti-gun sentiment. If hunting is made more difficult by public outrage, the sale of firearms is reduced. It is possible that the ripple effect could create financial problems for the manufacturers--and that hurts all of us as shooters, even if we aren't all hunters.

The Outdoor Channel can be contacted at http://www.outdoorchannel.com



New member
Thanks for the heads-up. I'd heard of that sort of thing going on, but hadn't seen the specifics.

Prion disease aside, the thing that really chaps me about it is that it is fundamentally dishonest. Not about offering and providing a service, because in that respect the operators are not being dishonest -- they provide what they offer. No, what is dishonest is that raising these animals in what amounts to a pen and then allowing "hunters" to "hunt" this "wildlife" cheapens REAL hunting. There's no more challenge to it than shooting a penned bovine, and yet these "hunters" will be able make their claim to being the "real thing". I mean -- really! If a deer spooks, it is SUPPOSED to bug out to the next county, not run 100 yards and hit a fence, turn and run 100 yards and hit another fence, and so forth.

It. Isn't. Supposed. To. Be. Easy.

And that's where the difference is between what we see in this video and what happens on a high-end managed game ranch -- even though a high-end managed game ranch will also have those high fences. In those sorts of operations, a managed herd will exist within the borders of the ranch at an appropriate population density, but not otherwise penned up. They are free to roam, to be --> wild <-- wildlife. While you may have a higher precentage of trophy animals than elsewhere, that's where the similarity to what we see in that video ends. The hunter still has to HUNT. The game still has a chance. It isn't a factory meat/trophy/bragging rights operation.