Fair Access to Financial Services

There is a proposal for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to adopt a rule that would help ensure fair access to financial services. Deadline for comment is January 4, 2021. The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) is encouraging members of the firearms community to submit comments in favor of the rule.


This is in response to problems some gun shops and other firearms-related businesses have encountered in finding an entity to (for example) process credit card payments for them. It's a fairly basic principle -- if a business is legal, banks and related institutions should not be allowed to "virtue signal" by refusing to handle their business.


New member
The self-righteous bigotry that just totally imbues every part of an anti-gunner is just truly amazing. Their hypocrisy is a wonder to behold.

If this action (the banks refusing to work with the group) were being done against other groups more "socially acceptable" there would literally be howls of protests and demands for action. But because it is being done against gun groups the blatant discrimination is not only acceptable but lauded. Virtue signaling anyone?

I expect this legislation will be vilified someone like the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) has been vilified. Note: the PLCAA is supposed to prevent gun companies from being sued if their guns are used in crimes. It does NOT protect them from ANY lawsuit as the anti-gunners have at times claimed.


New member
The self-righteous bigotry that just totally imbues every part of an anti-gunner is just truly amazing. Their hypocrisy is a wonder to behold.

If this action (the banks refusing to work with the group) were being done against other groups more "socially acceptable" there would literally be howls of protests and demands for action. But because it is being done against gun groups the blatant discrimination is not only acceptable but lauded. Virtue signaling anyone?

I expect this legislation will be vilified someone like the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) has been vilified. Note: the PLCAA is supposed to prevent gun companies from being sued if their guns are used in crimes. It does NOT protect them from ANY lawsuit as the anti-gunners have at times claimed.

Personally, I don't think there should ever be lawsuits allowed when someone misuses any product. It's called personal responsibility, something going the way of the dinosaurs...


New member
Maybe an opening shot in an effort to open the financial system for those in the cannabis biz as well? Sure would be entertaining to follow - firearms and cannabis lobbyists fighting the same battle.


New member
I've experienced this prejudice quite often where I am.

Although they do not say "no", they find other means of denial, or simply place my requests on the dock like a "chinese inspection"

I'm cash only and its a grueling way to run a business without liquidity.