FAIL! Attempted to web my stock


New member
However I'm not sure I'm upset with the results, the paint just never got thick enough to make a webbed pattern. I was a little bored with my .35 Whelen's gray stock, I had tried selling this rifle a couple of times to fund other projects but never got a serious buyer, and it went to auction and never received a bid. So the money came for the other projects and I decided to paint the stock to make it look a little better.







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New member
That looks like an older B&C stock. Never tried webbing a stock, but I've done it on other objects. Just dipped the brush, back off a bit and sling the paint at what you want to paint. I practiced on an old piece of plywood to get the technique down. It is easy to over do it.

Camo seems the easiest to paint. Even if you mess up you can always say you planned it that way. I've done a few that worked out well. After the base color I used plastic leaves from walmart for a template for the camo patterns.

Overall I'd still say it turned out pretty well. The good thing about synthetics is that it is easy to redo one if you don't like the results.


New member
I like it also, and I'm remembering what my attempt to spiderweb turned out like.
The hardest part (for me) was slurying on the paint and keeping it off everything else around.:eek:
But it never looked that cool, so I repainted it.;) Thats a keeper dude!:)
agree... with the others... think it looks nice & distictive... not over done ( I'd think home webbing would be tough to do without it looking "over done" your's turned out nice


New member
I'm not disappointed at all in how it turned out, it just wasn't what I was shooting for. If I get tired I'll change it, that is the nice thing about synthetics.


New member
You did not fail, you achieved an atypical result, Looks interesting.
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New member
Man, that things looks fine to me. I have one that I would like to do, but I have been afraid that I would screw it up...
What type of paint?

That looks really cool! I have an SPS Varmint with the black factory stock. It would look a lot more appealing if it was similar to yours! Is there a link about this or some easy info available? Thanks for posting the pics!


New member
Go to Wal-Mart, Lowe's, Home Depot, or somewhere else that has a variety of spray paint. Pick out the base color you want in a paint that bonds with plastic, or use a primer that bonds to plastic first. Then get creative with the other colors you want, some places sell paint that will web already in a spray can if that is what you want. This was just a flat black spray paint that I sprayed into a jar then dipped a round plastic coat hanger that I broke to sling the paint.