F-22 Wows Farnborough

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New member
We had the privilage of watching the FA-22 during an airshow here at Sheppard AFB. Our house is less than a mile from the AFB so we had a pretty good show from the front yard. The kids enjoyed watching this thing flip around, do a graceful turn at almost a dead stop in mid air, turn on a dime... Our tax dollars at their finest right there.... just wished I had a $100+ million to spend on something other than a fighter jet... :barf:


New member
The article says "is arguable the world's most sophisticated fighter jet."

Arguably? ARGUABLY? Show me one, just ONE fighter that can do what the F-22 can do, including all the little goodies that aren't fully disclosed (like non cooperative target recognition on the radar). The F-22 is the top of the food chain for fighter aircraft and isn't likely to get knocked loose anytime soon- nobody can afford to buy them, let alone beat them.


New member
Nice plane. But how many are we getting? I think originally we were supposed to get 339. Now what is it?

About 180 at this time. It is a great but very expensive plane. Many people in the military are deriding it because of the price, and many do not think a single role fighter-interceptor is the way to go in today's world. Unlike the F-35, it is not available for sale to other governments. There will only be 180 F-22 in the world.


New member
The maneuver, Pougachev's Cobra, first seen performed by an SU-27 Flanker, is done far more adroitly by the F-22. It is even done, after a fashion, by our latest incarnation of FA-18s, as I witnessed last weekend, at Detroit's Gold Cup hydroplane race trials. I firmly believe the United States has nothing to worry about in air superiority for the foreseeable future. I also believe the F-22 can possibly be the last manned air superiority fighter.


New member
The maneuver, Pougachev's Cobra, first seen performed by an SU-27 Flanker, is done far more adroitly by the F-22.

Yeah most modern fighters including the the Su-27, Mig 29, Eurofighter, French Rafale, and old Saab Draken's can easily do that maneuver. The Russians have more thrust vectoring in their fighters compared to the F-22. It was an after though in the F-22. The only thing the F-22 has over any of its Russian counterparts is its more advanced radar, and stealth. Many would argue that the modern Russian fighters have equal or slightly better maneuverability and speed than the F-22. Also Russian aircraft companies are teaming up with French and German companies to supply better avionics and radar in their planes. It short time the only thing the F-22 will have over its adversaries is its price and Stealth.

B. Lahey

New member
The only thing the F-22 has over any of its Russian counterparts is its more advanced radar, and stealth.

Yeah, but luckily for us, those two little things it does better are the absolute most important advantages an air-superiority fighter can have right now. Avoid SAMs and get the other guy before he even knows you are there is the name of the game. The F22 does it far better than anything anyone else has.


New member
I firmly believe the United States has nothing to worry about in air superiority for the foreseeable future.

Atleast until Obama sells all of our planes to China for scrap metal....
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