Eyesight saved, yet again.


New member
While shooting this past weekend, I had a .45acp case thrown straight back after firing, hitting my glasses pretty hard - hard enough to leave a good scratch right where my right eye was. This has happened before and I would never dream of shooting (especially semi-autos) without my glasses. I think this one could have blinded me, had it not been stopped my my glasses.



It didn't bounce off of something first? How does a round get ejected straight backwards? Regardless, enough things can happen that eye protection is always a good idea.


New member
Last Sunday it was really windy (50+mph). I hosted an Open House and had to stake down the signs with bungee cords. I was pulling one up to put back in my car when one of the cords let loose and hit me my eye ball. It knocked me on the ground. I couldn't see out of my right eye for at least a minute. It hit me hard enough to knock the contact lens out of my eye. The pain eventually subsided enough to get some lens re-wetting drops on the eye ball.

I got lucky. My friend lost his sight from a damn bungee cord doing something very similar.

My eye still hurts to the touch, but at least I can see out of it.


New member

I guess it may have hit the partition between lanes, and then hit me in the eye. Like I said, it has happened before at the indoor range....it all happens so fast that I can't tell the sequence of events. All I know is I can see perfectly out of both eyes and I am ready to go shooting again. :p


New member

Motorcycle, 60+ MPH, large juicy bug, dead center of lens of glasses. I've lost count of the number of times that has happened.

Brasschuckers (either mine, or other shooters) chucking brass, hiting me in the glasses? Happens to me all the time, that's why I wear eye protection over my glasses when I shoot. The kind with side shields.


New member
Eye protection must be fairly snug fitting. I once had a .45ACP case come
down between my glasses and my cheek. Ouch!


New member
I remember a guy who said that he never wore eye protection. If you are reading, sir, please reconsider! If you shoot semi-auto, it's a matter of time! Your eyes will eventually be damaged. SERIOUSLY!
A fire-fight is one thing, but practice is 100% different. My glasses cost $7.00 and as far as I'm concerned, they SAVED my EYESIGHT!!


New member
A fire-fight is one thing, but practice is 100% different. My glasses cost $7.00 and as far as I'm concerned, they SAVED my EYESIGHT!!
I mean, really -- $7.00 is cheap, your eyes are priceless.

Omega blood

New member
Once I was welding wearing a full hood and saftey glasses that wraped arround the face. One little spark managed to get behind the hood and into my glasses.:eek: I was facing down watched it dance on the glass.:eek:


New member
I had a .45 ACP round rupture in a 1911, blowing considerable amounts of hot gas and burning powder directly back into my face (by thankfully, nothing into my pants :) ).

You'll never see me shooting without full protection at all times.