Eye protection--no, NOT Glasses!


I was reading another thread and this came to mind--thought all TFLers should think about it.

It is to be hoped that all of us protect our eyes while shooting--but don't forget that shooters do other things that can be hazardous to visual health.

I'm talking about cleaning guns. There have been several occasions when I've managed to splash a droplet of something nasty into my eye. If I were smart, I'd wear eye protection--and sometimes I remember to.

But, for the times that you don't, here's a simple low cost solution to washing your eyes when something unpleasant gets into them.

Tomorrow, go to your favorite pharmacy or grocery store and buy a pressurized can of saline solution. NOT contact cleaner, just the saline spray. It will probably cost less than $5 and should last a lifetime unless you are really clumsy. Put it where you will remember it--under the bathroom sink or wherever. This stuff will not hurt your eyes and is great for washing out crud that shouldn't be there.

I have contacts, so I keep some saline spray on hand all the time for rinsing my contacts after I clean them but only realized I could flush my eyes with them after I caught some Gunscrubber backscatter in the face and eyes.

One caution--every can I've ever bought has a fairly weak spray. You might want to test your can before you point it at your eyes and let fly...


New member
Eye protection

Eye protection...YES!
I shoot about 25,000 rounds a year. I can not count the nuber of times bullets have bounced off the in-door back stop and hit me in the face.
Buy yourself som "SAFETY GLASSES".


New member
Sterile saline probably best...
But if unavailable, shower, hose, friend with full bladder etc will do.

If thread is twisted, get a curved needle.



New member
Damn it, Sam, It's comments like that which make me glad I bought the waterproof keyboard!

So does anyone know the best method of getting Sprite out of the number pad? :eek:


New member
Sam's not kidding.

Friend should be healthy and preferably male for convenience in aiming, etc.

Urine is sterile....


New member
i though urine was sterile to that perticular persons body...but not necessarily their "friends" that they would pee on if need be. LOL

and I know that Kalifornia state law requires all prescription glasses made in Kalifornia to be ANSI Z87.1 compliant(aka safety glasses)


New member
I'm sorry, but I've seen some of the gals my buddies date and I definitely don't want one of them peeing in my eyes!:eek: :D

I usually have a water bottle nearby when I'm at the range..so I'll just use that thank you!:p

The saline spray is a good idea. I might just get some and put it in my first aid bag for the range.

Good Shooting