Extremists Said to Be Scrambling Messages on Web


New member
Here's a problem the U.S. Govt. helps foster along (it's thousands of years old, actually, and I'm not sure we can just be mum on the subject given our Govt.'s idiotic past meddling), and now WE may (as usual) have to pay the price because of it. I can see it now: "Encryption use now illegal by U.S. citizens due to terrorist concerns." Sounds like a pretext for more control to me.


Extremists Said to Be Scrambling Messages on Web

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Muslim extremists, including Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), are posting encrypted -- or scrambled -- photographs and messages on popular Web sites and using them to plan attacks against the United States and its allies, USA TODAY reported Tuesday.

The newspaper quoted U.S. law enforcement officials and experts as saying that extremists were using e-mail, computerized files, and encryption to hide maps and photographs of their targets, and instructions for carrying out attacks, on sports chat rooms, pornographic bulletin boards and other Web sites.

The Internet has become a new form of the ``dead drop,'' a Cold War-era term for where spies left information, the paper quoted officials as saying.

They said the messages were scrambled using free encryption programs set up by groups that advocate privacy on the Internet. Those same programs also can hide maps and photographs in an existing image on selected Web sites. The e-mails and images can only be decrypted using a ``private key,'' or code, selected by the recipient.

USA TODAY said officials cited security concerns in declining to name sites where such material had been hidden. Experts said, however, it was difficult for law enforcement agencies to intercept the messages.

Bin Laden, a dissident Saudi businessman, has been indicted for the 1998 bombing of two U.S. embassies in East Africa and has been named as a possible suspect behind last fall's bombing of the USS Cole destroyer in Yemen.

Four alleged bin Laden associates went on trial Monday in federal court in New York for the embassy bombings.

``To a greater and greater degree, terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, Hamas, and bin Laden's al Qaida group, are using computerized files, e-mail, and encryption to support their operations,'' CIA (news - web sites) Director
George Tenet wrote last March to a closed-door session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, according to the USA TODAY report.

Officials say bin Laden began using encryption five years ago, but recently increased its use after U.S. officials revealed they were tapping his satellite telephone calls in Afghanistan and tracking his activities.

``We will use whatever tools we can -- e-mails, the Internet -- to facilitate jihad against the (Israeli) occupiers and their supporters,'' the paper quoted Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder of the militant Muslim group Hamas, as saying in a recent interview in the Gaza Strip (news - web sites). ``We have the best minds working with us.''


These terroist morons remind me of the gun-confiscation crowd (aka the gun-control crowd). They only thing that will beat them, at least in the short term, is extreme resolve and force. They're not going to be swayed by reason, only by (I'm sorry to say) total devastation. Unfortunately, our freedoms (not to mention lives and dollars) may be sacrificed for this foreign problem.

P.S. Only an idiot would put actual info. of this type on the Internet; just about any code can eventually be broken. I suspect this is a ruse by bin Laden to funnel false info. to his enemies and divert their attention/resources elsewhere. So we may lose a little more freedom for nothing.

Payette Jack

New member
I don't buy it.

There's better ways for them to communicate with much less risk of exposure. Where would I go to see one of these encrypted maps? Oh, I see, its a secret. That sure is handy.


New member
The main problem is...

You can use a posting board like this one to send a coded message. The code needs only be a one time use phrase like.

"Subject: Ballistic results of .454 Cascul in Lime Jello.
Poster: Alla_man.

The Lime Jello had no effect on the Cascul but stopped the .45 acp and .40 S&W nicely."

Now, If you are a exchange student at the University of Utah, and you checked The Firing Line every day in the "General Discussion Forum" you could wait for any message with .454 Cascul and Lime Jello in it. the Word Balistic is the code word meaning right now, the .45 means power plant and acp means destroy. the second round ".40 S&W" could mean Hill Airforce base (.40) and Do as much damage as possible (S&W.). "Nicely" means expedite and your not expected back, inshalla.

There is NO WAY to stop this kind of message from being posted or stopped. But it is a real good way into scaring the sheeple into more laws.

A Enfield .303 will go though two six packs of seven-up, but only one of Coke.

Mark D

New member
"John has a long mustache."

"The chair is against the wall."

"Don't spit into the wind."

"Don't break wind."

"Al Gore wishes he never invented the Electoral College."
That's refreshing.

I use encryption every day, from the light encryption offered by Winzip to the much better protection offered by PGP, to some really heavy duty stuff.

It would really put the kaibosh on a lot of the work that I do.


New member
You can't ban encryption, but must instead counter the new encryption methods. It keeps people gainfully employed.


New member
For all you PGP users out there, you can grab my public key if you like, my user name is mpthole@hotmail.com.

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.3 for non-commercial use <http://www.pgp.com>



New member
encoded in the following image is a gausian noise pattern that
when decrypted shows the location of a hidden stash of Shiner Bock



Bam Bam

New member
"East Wind, Rain"

I don't know enough about computing and encryption to say if the article is valid. However, I have surfed enough web-sites and done enough praying with the subjects at hand to know that there is a "parallel Earth" coexisting with Western Civilization. The goal of the "parallel Earthers" is indeed to rule us or kill us. At least there are some persons in responsible positions that are working to prevent this. More power to them. The alternative to the CIA, FBI, KGB or whoever cutting the head off the snake is general war or massacre of either them or us. Maybe not now, not even in 5 years or 10, but it is going to happen unless the West gets some cajones. Numerous examples exist; the Phillipines, Sudan, Spice Islands, Nigeria, Indonesia, Tajikistan, etc, etc.


New member
And who was it, boys & girls, who said...

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed and thus clamorous to be led to safety by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

BTW, I don't understand any of these codes. But I can see that I am going to need a lot more ammo than previously thought.

Jim March

New member
To fully understand the implications of hardcore encryption...

Go read "Cryptonmicron" by Neal Stephenson. It does for the right to private speech via technology what John Ross did for the right to arms...show exactly what the issues are in a really good novel.

Except Neal is far and away the better author.

It *is* possible to do encryption that for all practical purposes cannot be broken...or at least, not broken easily enough that it's worth doing even with the NSA's resources.

"Encryption by terrorists" is just a way of scaring the sheeple into supporting encryption bans. What really scares the crap out fo the gov't is an entirely different application for serious encryption:

Untracable digital cash.

If you recieve money from an overseas bank, the wire transfer first goes to the Federal Reserve. They track it for tax purposes and THEN pass it to your bank. Your bank isn't allowed to do direct wire transfers with an overseas account because that would be untracable for tax purposes.

Strong encryption would allow you to do untracable overseas wire transfers right from your PC. That in turn would spell doom for the income tax.

And THAT is what scares the hell out of big government supporters. But it would NOT scare most US citizens, the tax burden is so enormous today that anti-tax sentiment is far more common than pro-gun beliefs.

So to fight encryption, "they" need a bogeyman. Osama Bin Laden fits the bill.

We will not be able to preserve our freedoms without both the right to private speech, and the right to arms.
